Economic Damages

What are Economic Damages?

Economic Damages is a term that encompasses any kind of financial loss that an injury victim has incurred due to an accident. They are damages that can hypothetically be measured at an exact dollar amount. Because of this, they are more objectively-measured than non-economic damages. They can include medical expenses, loss of income, and funeral expenses among other monetary costs. Economic damages are also known as pecuniary damages. 

Quantifying the level of economic damages incurred after an accident impacts the damages that may be received by a plaintiff in a lawsuit. A plaintiff being able to recover from financial losses and become whole again following a defendant’s negligence is considered a function of the justice system. Because economic damages need to be objectively measured, much evidence needs to be provided for accuracy.

According to the American Bar Association (ABA), many states follow the Economic Loss Doctrine, which holds victims from recovery when “the negligence of others results in purely economic loss.” That is to say that in many cases, something like injury or distress needs to be proven in order for a victim to recover damages. In concept, this is to prevent plaintiffs from seeking recovery that is greater than necessary.

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Is It Worth Getting a Lawyer for a Car Accident in Philadelphia?

Determining When To Speak to a Car Accident Lawyer

Car AccidentCar accident cases can be complicated. From dealing with the insurance companies to determining , most car accident victims don’t know where to begin. Car accidents in Philadelphia also have certain dates to meet under Pennsylvania law. If you want to file a car accident , you should not delay.

While not all car accidents require the aid of a Philadelphia car accident lawyer, in many car accidents, it is worth seeking legal advice.

Learn more about the situations in which a car accident may require an experienced car accident lawyer.

Questions For Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers

It is normal after an auto accident to have multiple questions. For starters, what do I do now? Following a car accident, […]

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Can You Sue Someone for a Minor Car Accident?

What to Do If You’re In a Minor Car Accident

Inspecting a car accident

Maybe it’s a small fender-bender in the grocery store parking lot. Or perhaps a driver misjudged the lane shift and tapped into your car. Sometimes these minor car accidents happen, resulting in minimal damage to your vehicle. While it may just be an inconvenience without injury, you may wonder, can you sue someone for a minor car accident?

The answer is yes — anytime you are involved in a car accident, you have a right to file a with your or file a lawsuit against the other driver to recover compensation. The real question is, will your case be successful for a minor car accident?

Every accident can involve both non economic damages and economic . […]

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Is it Better to Settle or Go to Trial?

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help Determine Next Steps in Your Case

workers comp attorney workers comp benefits taxableDuring the course of your lawsuit, your personal injury lawyer will discuss your options for settling your case or going to trial. A well-negotiated settlement can leave you financially secure while ending your lawsuit quickly but runs the risk of undervaluing your . On the other hand, a winning at trial can bring you the compensation you deserve for your injuries, but at the cost of a lengthy and overwhelming court battle.

Your personal injury lawyer for your accident lawsuit is unique. That is why you need an experienced personal injury lawyer with negotiation skills, a track record of winning verdicts, and a history of reaching bold settlement agreements to help you decide on the best path forward. There are pros and cons to both settling a personal injury case and going to trial. […]

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Your Guide to Filing a Lawsuit

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Personal Injury Lawyers’ Guide to Filing a Lawsuit

If a company or person has acted in negligence and caused you serious injury, you may file a lawsuit in order to obtain financial compensation from the at- party. But filing a lawsuit can be a challenging task. Any slight mistake can cost you the compensation that you deserve or cause further damages. That’s why you need the proper guidance and an experienced team of attorneys. 

Below, we will explain what it means to file a personal injury lawsuit and how to increase your chances of winning.

What does it mean to file a lawsuit?

filing a lawsuit personal injury lawyersA lawsuit is a formal legal case that you or your lawyer files with the court. Filing a lawsuit involves telling the court that the defendant acted negligently and hurt you (the plaintiff). […]

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Damages in Car Accident Cases

Damages in a Car Accident Case

Car accident victims can sustain physical and emotional that last a lifetime. Victims of automobile accidents and their families are owed compensation for physical injuries and . The best way to get the compensation you are deserved is to have an experienced car accident attorney fighting for you. Car accidents can alter the course of someone’s life, and it’s important the party at- for your injuries, pain, and suffering is held accountable. 

Types of Car Accident Damages 

– These are losses you can track monetarily, including medical bills, of income, loss of property, rehabilitation, and other out-of-pocket costs. Car accidents and collisions can cause serious physical pain. You should seek a doctor immediately, even if it’s not apparent to you that you might have injuries. […]

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