What is a Workplace Injury in Harrisburg, PA?

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Harrisburg Workplace Injury LawyerHarrisburg, the capital city of Pennsylvania, has a diverse employment landscape, from its bustling transportation hubs and manufacturing plants to administrative roles in government sectors. Despite safety measures, workplace injuries are not uncommon. A work related injury is defined as any harm or illness sustained due to job-related activities.

Such incidents can range from minor cuts or bruises to more severe traumas. Harrisburg residents, when facing the repercussions of such misfortunes, often find themselves in a complex works compensation . This inevitable adds extreme amounts of stress to an already-stressful situation.

In these trying times, it is essential for injured workers to understand their legal rights. The Harrisburg lawyers at Munley Law have extensive knowledge of Pennsylvania law. Our attorneys will work to ensure that the injured workers’ rights are protected and they secure fair compensation for their work related injuries. Call today for a free consultation with a Munley workers compensation lawyer to get your case started.

Understanding workplace injuries

Workplace injuries can vary significantly in their nature and severity. In order to understand your workers compensation case, you’ll first need to understand the different categories work injuries fall into:

  • Minor: Minor injuries can include cuts, sprains, and bruises that may or may not require medical attention.
  • Moderate: Moderate injuries could be fractures, burns, or lacerations that necessitate medical treatment and could result in short-term absence from work.
  • Severe: Traumatic injuries such as amputations, serious burns, or spinal injuries that might lead to long-term disability or even be life-threatening.

Of these categories, the most common work injuries include:

  • Lacerations and bruising
  • Broken bones
  • Soft tissue damage (ligament and tendon tears)
  • Herniated discs
  • Whiplash
  • Repetitive injuries
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Crush injuries
  • Internal organ injuries and internal bleeding
  • Burns
  • Electrocution
  • Amputations
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals
  • Infections

Pennsylvania has seen a notable number of workplace injury claims each year, including 21 workplace fatalities in 2021 alone. The impact these injuries have on employees is far greater than just the physical. Psychological trauma, stress, anxiety, and (PTSD) can linger for years after a workplace accident.

Financially, injured employees can be ruined by the costs of medical care, including therapy, rehab, and ongoing treatment. If their injury is serious enough, they lose income due to the inability to work. Additionally, family members of those who were affected by a workplace accident also suffer. In many cases, family members will have to quit their jobs in order to care for the injured.

A Munley Harrisburg workers compensation lawyer can inform the injured victim of their legal options and help them recover compensation for their injuries. Call today for a free consultation.

What types of workers compensation benefits are available?

In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as with the rest of the state, workers’ compensation benefits play a pivotal role in ensuring that employees who get injured on the job are taken care of. Benefits are meant to help the worker with medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses related to their work injury. The types of benefits available include:

Medical Benefits

Medical benefits cover all necessary and reasonable medical treatment and services related to the work injury. This can encompass doctor visits, surgeries, prescriptions, and specific therapies.

Disability Benefits

Disability benefits are broken into three categories, which depend on the severity and duration of the injury:

  • Temporary Total Disability (TTD): For workers who are unable to work temporarily.
  • Permanent Total Disability (PTD): For workers who are permanently unable to return to any form of employment.
  • Partial Disability: For workers who can perform some work but not at their pre-injury earning potential.

Specific Loss Benefits

Specific benefits are for workers who have permanently lost the use of thumbs, fingers, hands, arms, legs, feet, toes, sight, or hearing due to a workplace injury or incident.

Death Benefits

Death benefits are awarded to the family members if a worker tragically dies due to a workplace injury or disease. According to the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, workers compensation benefits in the case of death can be awarded to:

  • A widow.
  • A child of the deceased worker provided that the child is under the age of 18 or is a full-time student under the age 23.
  • A child of the deceased worker, regardless of age, who is mentally or physically incapacitated.
  • A parent of the deceased worker who is either fully or partially dependent upon the deceased worker’s financial support.
  • A sibling of the deceased worker provided that the child is under 18 or is a full-time student under 23 who relies on the deceased worker’s financial support.

Can I file a personal injury lawsuit against my employer?

As per state law, when an employee is injured on the job and accepts workers’ compensation benefits, they typically forfeit the right to sue their employer directly for those injuries. The workers’ compensation system is designed to be a no- alternative to , ensuring that injured workers receive benefits without the need to prove employer .

Harrisburg Workplace Injury LawyerHowever, there are exceptions. If the injury resulted from an intentional act by the employer or if the employer did not have the mandated workers’ compensation , the employee might have the right to file a personal injury claim. Additionally, while direct suits against employers are limited, injured workers may still have the right to sue third (like manufacturers of defective products) that might have contributed to the injury.

A Munley workers compensation attorney will walk you through all your options regarding your workers compensation claim vs. a personal injury claim during a free case review.

What is the role of a Harrisburg workers compensation attorney?

A workplace injury attorney, often recognized as an important advocate for injured employees, plays a multifaceted role in ensuring justice and fair compensation. At the core, Harrisburg workers compensation lawyers provide legal counsel and representation to individuals who have suffered injuries in their line of duty. These injuries, varying in severity, might lead to short-term disruptions or long-term disabilities, each carrying its unique set of challenges and compensatory requirements.

The Munley law firm has won millions for our clients in workers compensation claims. We work around the clock to diligently gather evidence, consult with medical professionals for accurate records, and skillfully negotiate with the insurance company and employers to make sure our clients receive maximum benefits.

The process of a workers comp claim in Pennsylvania can be quite complex. State regulations and timelines can be overwhelming to the victim, especially when dealing with the physical pain of a work injury. There are specific timelines and protocols the worker must follow. If these guidelines are not followed, the worker may lose their right to benefits.

Process of a workers compensation claim in Harrisburg, PA

Let’s take a look at the process of a workers compensation claim:

  1. The employee must notify their employer of their injury within 21 days of the injury. If the work injury isn’t reported within 120 days of the date of the accident, the employee forgets the rights to benefits.
  2. Employer must report the work injury to the insurance company and the Bureau of Workers Compensation.
  3. The employer has 21 days to allow or deny the workers compensation claim.

The Pennsylvania workers compensation lawyers at Munley can help you navigate the timelines for this process. We will make sure the paperwork is filed correctly and on time, ensuring you receive maximum benefits. Call for your free consultation today.

Call the Munley workers compensation attorneys today

Navigating the aftermath of a work injury can be challenging and emotionally draining. But with th dedicated legal team at Munley Law by your side, the journey becomes decidedly more manageable. Munley Law’s workers’ compensation attorneys bring their vast experience and expertise to the table, ensuring injured workers are not alone in their pursuit of justice.

We handle all complexities, advocate for maximum compensation, and continuously prioritize the well-being of our clients. We understand we cannot change what happened to you, but we can help secure your financial future and bring justice to your situation.

When you or a loved one face the hardships of a workplace injury, remember: Munley Law stands ready to champion your rights and guide you towards a brighter future.

Do I Have A Case?

If you think you may have a personal injury case, contact us now for a FREE consultation.

    BBB Accreditation Badge The information contained on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship nor should any information be considered legal advice as it is intended to provide general information only. Prior case results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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