Stroudsburg Workers’ Compensation: Common Work Injuries

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If you were injured in Stroudsburg, you may wonder if workers’ comp covers your injury. Your best option is to contact an experienced Stroudsburg workers’ compensation lawyer at Munley Law to learn what benefits are available to you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Most Common Workplace Industries Where Injuries Occur in Stroudsburg

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), nearly 13,000 American workers suffer preventable injuries every day. Additionally, NSC found that in 2021, the following four industries could be ranked as the most dangerous to work at:

  • Construction– experienced the most workplace deaths
  • Education and health services– experienced the most nonfatal injuries and illnesses involving days away from work
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting– experienced the highest death rate per 100,000 workers
  • Transportation and warehousing– experienced the highest injury and illness rate involving days away from work per 10,000 workers

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that, particularly in the construction workplace, the top four hazards are falls, caught in or in between objects, struck by an object, or electrocution.

What Are the Most Common Workplace Injuries?

Attorney Caroline Munley working in her officeTraumatic brain injuries: Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) result from a sudden blow to the head, as well as from a penetration injury to the head, that can result in damage to the brain. It is a severe injury that can have significant physical, cognitive, and emotional effects. The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) reports that:

TBIs may incur high costs early in the life of the and require medical care for many years after the injury. That care heavily comprises facility and physician-related services but may transition to home healthcare services and drugs as the claim matures many of these TBIs are the result of slips and falls, being struck/injured by an object or person, and motor vehicle accidents.

Concussions: Concussions can be caused by a blow to the head, a jolt to the body, or a fall. In the workplace, concussions suffered by employees are often the result of a fall, being struck by an object, or a motor vehicle accident. This can cause a temporary of normal brain function, including consciousness, memory, balance, and coordination. Symptoms may include headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Sprains and strains: These injuries occur when a muscle or ligament is stretched or torn. They can be caused by overexertion, sudden movements, lifting heavy objects, or repeating the same motions over time.

Cuts and lacerations: Cuts or lacerations can occur due to a variety of causes, including:

  • suffering from a fall
  • coming into contact with a blade, sharp moving machinery, or a tool commonly used in the workplace
  • dull blades
  • unsuitable personal protective equipment
  • improper training

Repetitive injuries: Repetitive motion injuries at work are caused by repeating the same motions repeatedly, leading to stress and strain on the muscles, tendons, and nerves. These injuries can occur in various industries, including office work, manufacturing, and assembly line work.

Back injuries: Most injuries to the back can occur due to a variety of causes, including lifting heavy objects, repetitive motions, or slips and falls. Employees who perform physical labor, such as construction, factory workers, and healthcare workers, are at increased risk for a work injury involving their back.

Fractures: A worker who suffers a fracture on the job most commonly has experienced a , a motor accident, damage from a falling object, or contact with defective machinery.

Burns and electrical injuries: There are four significant types of burns resulting from workplace accidents: thermal, chemical, electrical, and radiation.

  • Thermal burns: Injured workers most likely to suffer from thermal burns are restaurant employees. Thermal burns result from the heat from liquids, open flames, steam, hot objects, and explosions.
  • Chemical burns: People who work with chemicals, acids, or cleaning products will most likely be exposed to chemical burns. A lab, plant, or maintenance worker is the average injured worker affected by a chemical burn.
  • Electrical burns: Electrical burns occur when an electrical current travels through the body. Not surprisingly, electricians are often the victims of job-related electrical burns. Also commonly injured are construction workers, utility line workers, and maintenance technicians.
  • Radiation burns: Some workers, namely, flight crews, miners, x-ray technicians, and plant workers, are exposed to high radiation levels. The most common type of radiation burn is caused by exposure to ultraviolet light, most often the sun. Radiation burns can also be caused by radiation therapy, exposure to high-frequency microwaves or radio waves, and exposure to nuclear energy.

Eye injuries: Eye injuries in the workplace usually happen when a particle flies into the eye or an object impacts the eye. Another example of a workplace injury involving the eye is:

  • Penetration: Objects like nails, staples, or slivers of wood or metal can go through the eyeball and permanently lose vision.
  • Chemical and thermal burns: Industrial chemicals or cleaning products are common causes of chemical burns to one or both eyes. Thermal burns to the eye also occur, often among welders. These burns routinely damage workers’ eyes and surrounding tissue.

Amputations: Amputations are some of the most serious and debilitating workplace injuries. They are widespread and involve a variety of activities and equipment. Amputations occur most often when workers operate unguarded or inadequately safeguarded mechanical power presses, power press brakes, powered and non-powered conveyors, printing presses, roll-forming and roll-bending machines, food slicers, meat grinders, meat-cutting band saws, drill presses, milling machines as well as shears, grinders, and slitters. These injuries also happen during materials handling activities and when using forklifts and doors, as well as trash compactors and powered and non-powered hand tools. If you lose a body part in a workplace accident, you may receive specific loss benefits.

Hearing loss: Hearing loss is a common medical condition different types of employees across various industries face. However, the people more likely to be affected work in manufacturing, mining and oil/gas extraction, agriculture, construction, and carpentry. It is estimated that 22 million workers are exposed to potentially damaging noise yearly.

: In the horrific event that a loved one dies as the result of a job-related injury, a wrongful death suit can be filed along with a worker’s compensation case to help the family receive payments. Contact Munley Law to speak with an experienced workers’ comp attorney in Stroudsburg who will help determine if you’re eligible to receive workers’ compensation death benefits.

How Can a Stroudsburg Workers’ Compensation Attorney Help You?

personal injury attorney Robert Munley standing with arms crossedThere are times when the workers’ compensation process is straightforward and uncomplicated. However, when circumstances are often complicated, it’s in your best interest to contact a workers’ compensation lawyer. Some tricky circumstances are as follows:

  • You need help navigating the complex process: Workers’ compensation laws and procedures can be challenging to understand. At this sensitive time when you’ve been hurt, and you’re anxious about financial losses, an attorney can help guide you through the process and ensure you’re receiving the benefits you’re entitled to. That way, you can depend on an expert to answer your questions and concentrate on your recovery.
  • Your workers’ compensation claim has been denied: There are numerous reasons workers’ compensation claims are denied. The reasons can vary from a missed deadline to improperly completed paperwork to questionable injuries. Regardless of the cause, an attorney can help you the denial and increase your chances of a successful outcome.
  • You are not receiving fair compensation: Keeping in mind your current and future medical needs and whether your earning potential has been compromised, it’s essential to identify the compensation you’re entitled to accurately. A workers’ compensation lawyer can negotiate a settlement or represent you in court to ensure you receive the full benefits to which you are entitled.
  • Your employer or company is not cooperating: An employee suffering from a workplace injury may be dealing with challenging circumstances such as medical treatment for injuries, serious illness, and lost wages. In most cases, negotiating with employers or insurance companies would be overwhelming on top of the struggles already experienced. A workers’ compensation lawyer can advocate for your rights and interests in dealing with your employer or insurance company on your behalf.
  • You have a permanent injury or disability: In these cases, an attorney can ensure you receive the long-term workers compensation benefits needed to support yourself and your family.

The attorneys at Munley Law are here to offer expert assistance in helping you with your workers’ compensation case. Contact us for a free consultation and rest assured, we will do everything in our power to advocate for you and to ensure that you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

Munley Law is Here to Help

If you were injured in a workplace accident in Stroudsburg and you are having trouble collecting workers’ comp benefits, our Stroudsburg workers’ compensation attorneys are here to help. Contact us today by phone, email, or chat to schedule a free consultation.

Do I Have A Case?

If you think you may have a personal injury case, contact us now for a FREE consultation.

    Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys

    27 N 6th St,
    Stroudsburg, PA 18360
    (570) 338-4494

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