Hazleton Birth Injury Lawyer

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When you need someone to stand up for your child, a Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys birth injury lawyer will be there for you

If your child was injured at birth in a Hazleton hospital, Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys will fight for justice for your family

Every parent hopes they will never need to find a Hazleton birth injury lawyer. However, the Birth Injury Guide reports that 28,000 babies suffer a birth injury every year. This means that 3 babies are injured every hour. Having a child with a birth injury changes everything. Sick or disabled children often require around-the-clock supervision and costly medical attention for the rest of their lives.

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we know that the entire family suffers when a child sustains a birth injury. We also know that no amount of money will ever alleviate that pain. However, holding responsible parties accountable and ensuring that you can afford the care your child will need can alleviate some of the stress. That’s why our Hazleton birth injury lawyers are here to take on the hospital and corporations. We’ll fight for the funds your child needs while you focus on your baby’s care and healing. In fact, we are so confident in our abilities to fight for your family that we won’t charge you a penny if we don’t win big for you. To learn more about what it means to have a Hazleton birth injury lawyer from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys in your corner, schedule a FREE consultation today.

If your child suffered an injury at birth, let our Hazleton family take care of your’s

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we are proud to be a family firm with deep northeastern Pennsylvania roots. For over sixty years, our Hazleton birth injury lawyers have stood by parents who are battling their worst fears imaginable. The Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys promise is simple: we treat our clients as part of our own family.

Hazleton Birth Injuries FAQ

What are the most common birth injuries?

Every year, Hazleton babies suffer a number of different injuries during birth. While some injuries are temporary and treatable, others are permanent. Common birth injuries include

  • Fractures to the skull
  • Oxygen deprivation
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Brain swelling
  • Birth asphyxia
  • Nerve damage
  • Erb’s Palsy
  • Klempke’s Palsy
  • Brain hemorrhage
  • Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

If your baby suffered from any of these conditions, contact a Hazleton birth injury lawyer from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys today to see if your family is entitled to compensation.

Q: What causes birth injuries?

There are a number of reasons that babies are injured at birth. Sometimes the cause is not always clear without further investigation. According to the Birth Injury Guide, common causes of traumatic birth injuries include failures to :

  • Screen for maternal infections
  • Detect maternal infections
  • Monitor maternal infections
  • Treat maternal infections
  • Perform a necessary emergency C-section
  • Identify and treat a prolapsed umbilical cord
  • Correctly utilize birth-assisting tools and technologies such as vacuum extractors or forceps
  • Ensure the administration of oxygen

Q: Why should I choose a Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys birth injury lawyer to represent me in my Hazleton case?

The Hazleton birth injury lawyer you choose to represent your family makes all the different. Time and time again, our clients choose Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys because:

  • We always put our client’s needs first. At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we know that your priority is the health and safety of your injured child, so that is our priority too. We know that any family coping with a catastrophic birth injury has enough on their plate. Our goal is deliver the results you need as quickly and easily as possible so you can focus on what’s most important: your child. That’s why we will never send you a bill while we are fighting your case and will pay all of the costs and fees out of our own pocket.
  • We walk the walk. We know that every Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys birth injury client will receive the highest quality of representation and we want you to know that too. That’s why at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we don’t just talk a big game. We put our money on it. Our arrangement means that we will only be paid if we win for you. If you don’t, we will walk away with nothing.
  • We get results. To learn more about the representation you’ll get with a Hazleton personal injury lawyer from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys and the millions we’ve already won for our clients, schedule a free consultation today.


Do I Have A Case?

If you think you may have a personal injury case, contact us now for a FREE consultation.

    Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys

    197 N Cedar St.
    Hazleton, PA 18201
    (570) 536-9498

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