Philadelphia Uber Accident Lawyer

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Our Philadelphia Uber Accident Lawyers Will Fight for Your Rights. Call for a Free Consultation.

Rideshare apps like Uber are popular for their ease and convenience. Unfortunately, if you’ve been in a car accident with an Uber driver in Philadelphia, it can be even more of a headache than a typical car crash. In an  Uber-related car accident, it can be difficult to navigate the issue of , determine the “at ” party, and collect full, fair compensation from the appropriate insurers. The Philadelphia Uber accident lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys can help.

$32 Million Wrongful Death

$26 Million Truck Accident

$17.5 Million Car Accident

$12 Million Product Liability

$9 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$7.5 Million Auto Accident

$6.9 Million Garbage Truck Accident

$6.5 Million Traumatic Brain Injury

$5 Million Medical Malpractice

$5 Million Bus Accidents

We represent passengers, drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcycle riders injured in Uber accidents in Philadelphia. Our experienced car accident attorneys have handled motor vehicle accidents for decades, including cases involving rideshare drivers. We are skilled negotiators and are prepared to go to trial rather than settle for less than you deserve. While most personal injury law firms handle car accidents, only a select few have a team of board-certified trial lawyers who know how to handle commercial vehicle accidents involving large companies. This is what sets our attorneys apart.  We have extensive experience in the courtroom and have built a national reputation on our trial victories.

What Can Happen After an Uber Accident in Philadelphia?

Man use mobile phone, blur image of car accident as background.After being injured in an accident, one or more insurers might contact you wanting signed medical authorizations and recorded statements from you. It is often in your best interest to tell them you want to check with your lawyer first, and then call us. While your own automobile may require you to provide a recorded statement, you generally do not need to give the other insurance company a recorded statement. You are under no legal obligation to provide either a statement or a medical authorization to an opposing insurer, and you could hurt your case by doing so. This is important, as opposing insurers will likely try to use your statement or past medical history against you in the future.

No matter how the accident happened, or whether you were a pedestrian or a passenger, report the incident to Uber through their app as soon as possible. Then, hire a Philadelphia Uber accident lawyer to help you navigate the process of building a case enabling you to collect the compensation you deserve.  If you or a friend or family member has suffered an injury in a Philadelphia Uber accident, contact a Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Philadelphia rideshare accident lawyer for a free consultation, as soon as possible.

How Can an Uber Accident Attorney Help With My Case?

Car accidents involving Uber can cause passengers and drivers in Philadelphia to suffer serious injuries and financial losses. You may have significant medical bills, or be unable to work for an extended time.  In Pennsylvania, you have the right to seek compensation from the at-fault driver and their insurer when someone else’s negligence causes you to suffer harm.  But the party responsible for paying is not always clear in accidents involving Uber. There are some instances where Uber, in addition to the driver, may be liable.

A Philadelphia Uber accident lawyer at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys can help determine who was at fault for a crash, and whose insurance should pay for the damages.

What Compensation Can I Receive Following an Uber Accident?

Attorney Robert Munley Speaking with someoneWe will aggressively pursue all possible sources of recovery to make certain you are awarded the compensation you need. You may be eligible to collect compensation for:

  • Medical bills and future treatment
  • Lost wages and diminished earning capacity
  • Altered quality of life
  • And other related losses

Hiring a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer for Uber accidents offers the best chance of determining who is responsible for paying your bills for injuries incurred in an accident involving an Uber driver. Determining who is at fault isn’t always easy, but our Philadelphia car accident attorneys are up to the task.

In many cases, your injuries will probably be covered by the Uber company’s insurance policy. But even if your Uber driver is at fault and was on duty at the time of your accident, Uber may fight the and attempt to deny liability.

That’s why it’s important to have an experienced Philadelphia Uber accident lawyer on your side, to stand up for your rights. Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys has over 60 years of experience obtaining the maximum compensation possible for injured victims of all types of car accidents.

Are There Many Uber Accidents in Philadelphia?

Philadelphia taxi accidentThe Uber app provides a vital service for those seeking transportation in busy cities across the country, including Philadelphia. The ability to quickly and easily summon a ride anywhere in the city is appreciated by urban dwellers who prefer to avoid car maintenance costs, parking, and navigating city traffic.

Uber’s service is often utilized for safety purposes, to avoid driving under the influence of alcohol. However, when you accept a ride with Uber, your fate rests in the hands of a driver who may be tired, distracted, or negligent.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have suggested that the increase in Uber drivers contributed to a sharp rise in US traffic deaths. Uber’s use may be necessary for many of us – but a significant number of accidents involving Uber drivers do occur. If you are injured by the actions of an Uber driver as an Uber passenger, or if you were struck by an on-duty Uber driver,  you deserve fair compensation.

The food delivery service Uber Eats has also grown in popularity in recent years. Unfortunately, Uber Eats drivers can pose a hazard on the roads if drivers are not extremely careful. Uber Eats delivery drivers may become distracted by an incoming order or plotting the route to their next pickup or dropoff. They may be inclined to speed in order to make their delivery in a timely manner. If you were hit by a negligent Uber Eats driver, you may be able to hold the driver and the company responsible for your injuries.

Who Can Be Held Responsible for an Uber Accident?

Uber’s drivers use their personal vehicles for commercial purposes. Thus, collisions involving Uber are addressed differently than accidents involving a traditional commercial vehicle or a regular passenger car. This means that the at-fault party (the defendant) may vary, depending upon each accident’s unique circumstances.

Uber and UberEats provide $1 million in liability insurance for their drivers. But there are limits as to when and where this coverage applies.

Uber’s drivers, whose insurance policies prohibit payment for accidents involving the business use of a personal vehicle could create a difficult situation.

Car Accidents Involving Uber Drivers: On-Duty vs. Off-Duty

Uber’s accidents are evaluated differently than accidents involving exclusively business or personal vehicles. The insurer responsible for paying your damages will depend largely on whether the Uber driver was on duty or off duty at the time of the crash.

It should be noted that even if a Philadelphia Uber driver has no passenger in the vehicle, the driver is nevertheless considered “on duty” from the time a ride is accepted until the passenger is dropped off at their destination.

This means Uber’s drivers are covered when they are on the way to pick up a customer. So, if you are a pedestrian hit by an Uber driver en route to pick up a ride, Uber’s insurance should cover expenses relating to your injuries.

If you were hit by an off-duty Uber driver, you may need to seek compensation through the driver’s personal insurance policy rather than pursuing an award through Uber.

However, it’s not always easy to determine whether an Uber driver was “on the clock” at the time of an accident. Having a knowledgeable car accident lawyer on your side to navigate the process of determining who is at fault is important.

How Does Uber Insurance Work?

uber accident attorneyUber driver coverage is dependent on what phase or step of the drive the Uber driver is engaged in. There are three primary phases of a driver’s shift:

Step One: Uber App is Off

The Uber driver is on the road but their app is off and they are not taking passenger requests. When the Uber App is OFF, the driver’s vehicle is NOT covered by Uber’s insurance and instead all activity is covered by the driver’s personal liability insurance. This could be as low as the Pennsylvania state minimum of $15,000 of coverage for .

Step Two: Uber App is On but There is No Passenger

The Uber driver is logged in and waiting for a passenger. Uber at this point offers a contingency basis for its insurance coverage. They may cover any “gaps” in the driver’s personal insurance coverage. This will cover up to $50,000 of a bodily injury claim.

Step Three: App is On, and the Driver is Traveling

Once the Uber driver has accepted a passenger and is en route. Uber’s $1 million of liability coverage now applies. Once the passenger is dropped off, the coverage reverts back to either Uber’s contingent insurance or the driver’s personal insurance based on the status or “step” the app is in.

What Are the Potential Causes of Uber Driver Crashes?

Uber verifies driver history through specific background checks, before sign-on. But Philadelphia Uber drivers are prone to the same types of accidents as any other driver. Certain factors that pose an accident risk for all of us may affect Uber drivers more than others.

Drivers often use Uber as a side gig, to make extra money after working another job. This can make them especially prone to fatigue, which may impair their driving abilities.

Also, Uber by nature of being a phone app, requires drivers to interact with smartphones for directions, time tracking, and arranging their next pickups. Only a 15-second pass is provided, during which time drivers may respond to a “driver ”.

Uber and Uber Eats drivers spend a lot of their time on the road in unfamiliar neighborhoods on a strict deadline set by the Uber app. One of the hazards associated with this combination of factors can be careless or reckless driving patterns such as stopping without warning, making quick turns without signaling, U-turns, illegal parking and stopping and more.

The combination of fatigue and the requirements of interacting with the app makes the danger of  difficult to avoid.

What is “Multi-Apping”?

Uber and Uber Eats drivers may work for just Uber as a part-time gig. But many drivers who rely on ridesharing and food delivery as their primary income may “multi-app”– they will drive or deliver for multiple apps at the same time. For instance, they may be juggling alerts for Uber Eats, GrubHub and DoorDash. Some Uber drivers even use a third-party app used for maximizing profit.
Toggling between multiple apps while sharing the road with other drivers can lead to a car accident. This can be a high level of distraction for ANY driver but for Uber Eats drivers or Uber rideshare drivers, this coupled with a deadline, driving drowsy, or at night, or in an unfamiliar neighborhood can lead to Uber driver crashes.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an Uber accident you need experienced Uber accident lawyers on your side. Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys are the personal injury attorneys you want in your corner. We know Uber accident cases. Call us today for a free consultation.

Chicago Booth School of Business Study of Uber-related vehicle accidents

A recent study by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business finds that app-based rideshare services such as Lyft and Uber are associated with a 3 percent increase in vehicle-accident related fatalities and fatal accidents on roads across the United States.

From The Chicago News:

“…for perspective, while in 2010 the number of roadway deaths in the U.S. stood at 32,885 (the lowest level since 1949), that number increased to more than 37,400 in 2016. The authors find that the introduction of ride-hailing services in 2011 accounted for a roughly 3 percent annual increase in auto deaths nationwide, or 987 people each year.”

If you have been involved in a Uber accident in Philadelphia, contact Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys. We can help you seek compensation for your injury claim, recover medical expenses, property damage, bodily injury and more. Our consultation is always free. We don’t earn a dollar unless you recover compensation.

Standards Required by Uber for Drivers and Vehicles

Uber has put in place some requirements to help ensure safety for drivers and customers.

To prevent Uber accidents in Philadelphia and other cities, Uber drivers must:

  • Meet the age requirement to legally drive for Uber in the city where they work.
  • Present a valid driver’s license.
  • Have at least one year of licensed driving experience. (3 years if the driver is younger than 23 years old).
  • Provide proof of insurance, vehicle registration, valid inspection.
  • Pass safety screening and driving history background checks.

Vehicles used by Uber drivers:

  • Must be four-door.
  • Are required to be in good condition.
  • Must be less than 10-15 years old.

If Uber drivers fail to obey these rules and all traffic laws, they could be considered negligent, thus at fault for an accident. However an Uber accident happens, no matter what injuries you suffer, it pays to have your accident case involving Uber in Philadelphia evaluated by a Pennsylvania Uber accident lawyer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Philadelphia Uber Accidents

Can I sue Uber for an Auto Accident?

Truck Accident LawyerDepending on the circumstances of your accident, Uber’s insurance may provide coverage for the injuries you suffer in an accident with one of their drivers. However, there are also situations where you may be able to sue Uber for negligence. For example, if they failed to conduct proper background checks and allowed passengers to be picked up by a driver with a history of DUI, they may be held liable for resulting harm. These cases can be complicated, so consult with an experienced Uber accident lawyer who knows how to determine and prove liability.

How Much Does it Cost to File an Uber Accident Lawsuit?

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, you can have one of the nation’s leading personal injury lawyers review your Uber accident claim for free. We work on a contingent fee basis, which means we do not get paid unless we win your case. In the event that we obtain a settlement or for you, we collect a standard fee from the amount awarded, along with any remaining costs. The contingent fee agreement protects you from financial risk, so you can focus on recovering from your injuries while we build your case and represent you in the legal process. We take on the financial risk in investigating your accident, hiring experts, and preparing for trial. If we don’t obtain compensation for you, you owe us nothing.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit for an Uber-Related Accident?

The statute of limitations for a civil personal injury case in Pennsylvania is two years  – from the date an act of negligence triggered an injury-causing accident.

Failure to file within this window of time results in forfeiture of the right to sue the negligent party for damages. Contacting a Philadelphia car accident lawyer as soon as possible ensures your case will be fully investigated and suitable action taken before the deadline.

Is It Worth Filing a Rideshare Accident Lawsuit?

You may believe you are not severely injured. It may seem that returning to work, replacing your vehicle, (if you were hit in your car by an Uber driver, rather than suffering injury as an Uber passenger), should be your priority.

While you may want to move on from the accident as quickly as possible, acting too hastily can harm you in the long run. The insurance company may offer a settlement far below what you really need, simply so that they may resolve the issue quickly. In fact, it can be difficult to know right away how the accident will impact your health and your ability to work. Be aware, if you accept an offer of settlement, you waive your right to seek additional compensation, even if your injuries become more complicated.

Do not accept a settlement without consulting with a skilled and experienced car accident attorney.  A competent Philadelphia Uber accident lawyer can help you determine whether the settlement is fair, or if it is in your best interest to file a lawsuit.

Is an Uber Accident More Complex Than a Taxi or Bus Mishap?

It certainly can be, under various scenarios. When a taxi or bus is involved in an accident, a designated insurance company provides benefits.

An Uber driver is not required to have a policy specifically covering passengers. So you may not receive benefits from the driver’s insurance if the policy does not supply coverage for business use of the vehicle. Even the driver’s claim may not be paid, in such a case.

The liability insurance Uber provides for drivers covers liability for passengers, pedestrians, and other types of potential victims, but it may not be sufficient to cover your entire total of damages.

A skilled car accident lawyer can sort through this labyrinth of rules and offer you the best chance of receiving payment for damages.

What Types of Driver Behaviors are Classified as Negligent? Why Are They Important?

Common actions that cause accidents and are considered negligent include:

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Distracted driving.
  • Aggressive driving.
  • Drowsy driving.
  • Traffic law violations.

Distracted driving and drowsy driving are often mentioned in association with Uber drivers. If one of these traits causes an accident, the Uber driver would be considered negligent. Proving driver negligence is key to winning an Uber accident lawsuit. Your experienced personal injury lawyer at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys will have the knowledge to help you win your case.

How Much Compensation Can I Expect From an Uber Accident Lawsuit?

Every accident is different. A car accident lawyer cannot give you an estimate before conducting an investigation. Factors that will affect the amount of compensation you receive include your past medical bills related to the accident, any future or ongoing treatment and/or therapy, the extent to which the accident affects your ability to earn a living, the ways in which the accident impacts your quality of life, and the pain and suffering you have endured as a result of the accident. The amount of insurance coverage available will also play an important role in calculating a settlement.

What Should I Tell Insurance Companies About My Uber Accident?

You should report the accident to your own insurance company. But you are not obligated to speak with the other party’s insurance carrier. Your car accident lawyer can handle that type of communication for you.

It is advised that you avoid speaking with an insurance adjuster without a lawyer present. The adjuster may try to get you on record to find the cracks in your statement. Cracks that would allow the insurance company to take advantage of you – to deny your claim.

Some tactics insurance adjusters may use in attempting to save money by denying your claim might be:

  • Asking you to sign a liability waiver in exchange for a quick (usually insufficient) settlement.
  • Questioning the severity of your injuries.
  • Finding you, the victim at fault in some way for the accident.

Don’t fall for these attempts to reduce settlement amounts. Let a Philadelphia Uber accident lawyer handle your case.

Ridesharing programs like Uber offer convenience but come with some risks. While drivers are vetted, they may be distracted by the need to schedule their next client, suffer fatigue and stress from working Uber as a side hustle in addition to a full-time position. The convenience of Uber makes it a necessity for many. The opportunity helps those willing to drive others to earn a significant income.

But Uber can create a unique situation regarding insurance payments if an accident happens. If you experience any type of injury as a result of actions by an Uber driver, call a Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, Philadelphia Uber accident attorney for a free, no-obligation consultation. If the total of your damages is greater than you are offered in a settlement, and the Uber driver was obviously negligent, we will represent you without charge, until your case is successful and you are awarded benefits.

Personal Injury Claims We Handle in Philadelphia, PA:

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If you think you may have a personal injury case, contact us now for a FREE consultation.

    Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys

    1617 John F Kennedy Blvd
    Suite 1690,
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    (215) 515-7747

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