Allentown Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

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For over 60 years, pedestrian accident victims throughout the Lehigh Valley have put their trust in the Allentown pedestrian accident lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys.  When you or someone you love suffers a serious injury from a pedestrian accident, your choice of an accident attorney matters.  You want an Allentown pedestrian accident lawyer with the knowledge, resources, and compassion needed to get you the maximum amount of compensation you need following such a devastating accident.

Our award-winning team won’t rest until you and your loved ones get the justice you deserve.  We understand your concerns and are ready to do whatever it takes to make sure you are properly compensated.  Fill out our contact form or call today to schedule a free consultation today a pedestrian accident attorney.

$32 Million Wrongful Death

$26 Million Truck Accident

$17.5 Million Car Accident

$12 Million Product Liability

$9 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$7.5 Million Auto Accident

$6.9 Million Garbage Truck Accident

$6.5 Million Traumatic Brain Injury

$5 Million Medical Malpractice

$5 Million Bus Accidents

Why Should You Hire an Allentown Pedestrian Accident Attorney?

personal injury lawyer marion munleySadly, many pedestrian accident victims do not realize how important it is to have proper experienced legal representation. Instead, many hire bad lawyers with less experience fighting these cases. As a result, the injured victim loses their cases or gets far less compensation than they deserve. Meanwhile, other victims underestimate how complex Pennsylvania’s accident law is. When this happens, they end up getting stuck trying to learn the law themselves, fight their own case, and recover from their serious injuries on their own…all at the same time.

You can avoid making these mistakes. On average, pedestrian accident victims with legal representation win three times the compensation as compared to those who attempt to handle their cases alone. To get you the justice you deserve, our award-winning team of personal injury lawyers will:

  • Investigate your crash and injuries
  • Track down and interview accident witnesses
  • Gather documents and reports that prove who is responsible for the accident
  • Identify, interview, and hire a team of experts who support your claims
  • Craft a negotiating strategy and negotiate a major settlement with the company
  • Prepare witnesses’ evidence for trial
  • Author and litigate pre-trial motions to give you the best chance of winning your trial
  • Select a jury who will understand why you deserve to win
  • Write and deliver opening and closing arguments
  • Direct and cross-examine lay and expert witnesses
  • Win the monetary award you deserve

To speak with one of our Allentown pedestrian accident lawyers, schedule your free consultation today.

How Often Do Pedestrian Accidents Occur?

person crossing the street as car comes around cornerAt one time or another, everyone is a pedestrian.  Urban areas such as Allentown, Easton, and Bethlehem often have a much higher rate of pedestrian accidents compared to rural areas. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation,2.7% of total reported traffic crashes in Pennsylvania involved a pedestrian in 2020. Of the 2,957 pedestrians involved in crashes, 2,788 received an injury and 146 lost their lives.

To combat this, Bethlehem adopted a Vision Zero plan in 2016, which aims to eliminate road deaths and serious injuries by 2030.  This initiative supports law enforcement crackdowns, education, improved signage, and redesigning roadways.  The city has also made an effort to trim trees, install crosswalk signs, and make signage more prominent.  But many of the area’s busiest intersections and roadways have remained untouched, and so pedestrian accidents still remain high throughout the region.

What Are the Main Causes of a Pedestrian Accident?

pedestrian accidentThe causes of pedestrian accidents can vary, but it usually boils down to driver negligence. Common causes include:

Distracted Driving – Eating while driving, putting on makeup, texting, getting directions, or even speaking with a passenger are all types of distracted driving that we do on a normal basis. Unfortunately, with the rise of technology, distracted driving has become more and more prevalent in today’s society. When a driver takes their eyes off the road for even one second, this can result in a deadly crash with a pedestrian.

Speeding – The faster you go, the more difficult it will be to stop your vehicle in a moment of emergency. According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, 26 percent of all crash fatalities in 2019 were a result of excessive speeding. Not only is it more difficult to stop, but the force of the impact increases dramatically.

Failure to Yield – Pedestrians do have the right of way on our roadways but many drivers either ignore this fact or don’t know the law. So when a pedestrian is getting to cross at a crosswalk, it is the responsibility of the driver to stop and let the pedestrian cross. Failure to do so can result in a tragedy.

Failing to Signal While Turning – Using your signal alerts not only other drivers on the road but pedestrians that you plan to turn. However, if a pedestrian starts to cross thinking a car is going one way instead of turning because the turn signal was used, there could be a significant crash.

Driving While Under the Influence – Even one single beverage can affect a driver’s perception and reaction time. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not only dangerous but it’s against the law.

Who Can Be Held Responsible For My Injuries?

In many cases, the driver is responsible for the crash. According to the law, all drivers have a duty of care when driving. What this means is they are legally obligated to exercise “reasonable care” when on the road. Failure to use reasonable care, such as texting while driving, can result in massive injuries and damages for the injury victim.

In some cases, other entities may be held responsible for a pedestrian accident. For example, if you were hit by a car while crossing the street at an intersection that was poorly designed or poorly maintained, the engineer or municipality may be accountable.

Can the Pedestrian Be Held Responsible?

Yes, in some cases the pedestrian may be held partially at for the accident. For example, if the pedestrian ignores traffic signals and steps in the path of an oncoming vehicle, the pedestrian may be considered partially or entirely at fault. However, partial fault does not preclude you from seeking damages for your injuries. Pennsylvania follows a 51% comparative negligence rule. This means that injured victims who are found less than 51% responsible for the accident that caused their injuries can still seek compensation.

That’s why it’s important to speak with one of our experienced accident attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys to learn your options. If you are unsure how much of the blame is yours, or you believe you were wrongly blamed for the collision that caused your injuries, an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer can help.

Damages in an Allentown Pedestrian Accident Case

When you’ve been hit by a car in Allentown as a pedestrian,  a personal injury lawsuit is your means of obtaining financial compensation, also called “damages.” In most personal injury and motor vehicle accident cases, there are two types of damages: economic and non-.

Economic damages for pedestrian accident victims

A pedestrian accident can be a life-changing event. In addition to the pain you have suffered, you may also have significant medical bills and be unable to work. The financial damage can be as difficult to recover from as the physical damage. As the victim of a driver’s negligence, you shouldn’t have to bear these costs on your own. An Allentown pedestrian accident attorney can help you recover compensation for economic damages including:

  • Ambulance bills
  • Hospital bills
  • Surgeries
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning power
  • Therapy and rehabilitation
  • Adaptive equipment
  • other financial losses caused by your injuries

Non-economic damages in a pedestrian accident case

You can also receive financial compensation for the intangible ways your accident has affected your life. Non-economic damages include things like:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish

Naturally, non-economic damages are more complicated to calculate. This is why it is important to have an experienced injury lawyer on your side. Your attorney will work with financial and economic experts to calculate the full extent of your damages and negotiate the highest possible settlement for you.

The value of your will depend on a variety of factors, including the extent and severity of your injuries, future medical treatment you will require, your income and ability to continue working, the impact of your injuries on your daily life, the available insurance coverage, and more. To get a better idea of how much compensation you should expect, contact a pedestrian accident lawyer at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys to schedule a free case review.

Never accept a settlement without speaking to a personal injury lawyer

After a serious accident leaves you injured, it can be tempting to resolve the insurance claim and get a payment as soon as possible. However, it’s important that you don’t let the insurance company take advantage of your vulnerable state.

Do not give a recorded statement to the at-fault driver’s insurance and do not accept any settlement offer without speaking to a lawyer. In many cases, you waive your right to seek additional compensation by accepting an offer. An experienced lawyer can handle the insurance company for you, and ensure you receive a fair settlement.

How Does Insurance Work in a Pedestrian Accident Claim?

Insurance in a pedestrian accident case can be complicated. In Pennsylvania, if you were hit by a car as a pedestrian but you have your own car insurance policy, your own personal injury protection (PIP) coverage will help to pay your medical bills. Pedestrians who were hit by a car will enjoy the benefits of full tort, regardless of their policy’s tort option. This means you are not limited as to the amount of compensation you can seek for your pain and suffering. If you do not have your own policy, but you live with a relative who does, you may be covered by their insurance.

If you do not have your own insurance coverage, or if your damages exceed the amount covered by your own protection, you can seek compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance.

A personal injury lawyer with experience handing pedestrian cases can help you navigate the insurance landscape and get you the compensation you need.

Allentown Pedestrian Accident FAQs

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, our Allentown pedestrian accident attorney is ready to answer all of your questions. To schedule your free consultation today, call, chat or email us now.

Q: Can I Still File a Personal Injury Claim if the Driver Fled the Scene?

While it is against the law for a driver to flee the scene of an accident, unfortunately it is not uncommon. If the driver who hit you or your family member left the scene of the collision, you do still have options. First, an experienced Allentown personal injury attorney, along with local law enforcement, can help track down the at-fault driver. If the driver is located, they may face criminal charges as well as civil liability. If the driver cannot be located, you still have options. This is when you would seek compensation from the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage on your own auto insurance policy, if you have one. Each case is different; there may be additional sources of compensation available to you, depending on the unique circumstances of your accident.

Q: Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right of Way?

According to the city of Allentown, PA traffic regulations, pedestrians should always use a crosswalk whenever possible, and should only cross the road where there are signaled intersections. When a pedestrian crosses the street in a crosswalk, drivers must yield. Whenever a vehicle stops at a marked crosswalk or intersection to let a pedestrian to cross, no operator of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall pass the stopped vehicle. Pennsylvania pedestrian laws also state that pedestrians should not leave the curb to cross at controlled intersections unless directed by a police officer, they have the green or GO traffic signal at intersections not having pedestrian signals; or they have the WALK signal at intersections having pedestrian signs.

Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a crosswalk at an intersection or marked crosswalk shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.

Q: How Can I Avoid a Pedestrian Accident in Allentown?

  • Be very careful and mindful when walking in high-accident areas. 25.47% of walkers were killed while crossing an intersection. Other high-problem locations include streets, parking lots, and driveways. Heed traffic signals and watch for cars before crossing the street.
  • Whenever possible, walk on well-lit streets and roads at night, or only during the daytime. Lighting conditions have a surprisingly big impact on pedestrian accidents. More than 75% of deadly pedestrian crashes occurred after dark. Additionally, another 5% of walkers died when lighting conditions were poor, at dusk or dawn. All in all, only 20% of fatal pedestrian collisions happened during the day.

Q: What Can Drivers Do to Avoid a Pedestrian Accident?

It’s not just pedestrians who need to have safety top of mind to avoid accidents. To avoid serious injuries to pedestrians, motor-vehicle operators also need to have safety in mind while they’re on the road. All drivers should remember these driving tips to avoid accidents with pedestrians in Allentown:

The NHSTA asks car, bus, truck, SUV, and motorcycle drivers to:

  • Always keep an eye out for pedestrians to avoid accidents or surprises
  • Slow down and be extra careful when driving through inclement weather or nighttime conditions
  • Always slow down when approaching a crosswalk, even if you don’t see any walkers on the road
  • Always yield to pedestrians
  • Follow posted speed limits at all times
  • Be extra cautious and aware when driving in reverse or pulling out of a driveway
  • Never drive while intoxicated to avoid a drunk or drugged driving accident

Q: How Much Time Do I Have to File My Pedestrian Crash Case in an Allentown Court?
Pedestrian at Crosswalk

All states by law, including Pennsylvania, set time limits for filing a lawsuit. This is called “statutes of limitations.” Different kinds of cases have different statutes of limitations. The way a court measures those statutes of limitations can also depend on the kind of case as well. In Pennsylvania, most pedestrian injury cases are classified as personal injury cases. However, if the victim died from their injuries, the case may also be tried and classified as a wrongful death lawsuit.

for personal injury cases in Allentown and throughout Pennsylvania: When the case includes personal injury claims, the statute of limitations is two years. This “clock” that counts down the two years begins on the date of the accident.

Statue of limitations for wrongful death cases throughout Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania’s wrongful death statute of limitations is also two years, much like other cases. However, the two-year period for wrongful death lawsuits begins on the date the victim died. That does mean though, if the victim dies on the date of the accident, the statute of limitations for the personal injury and wrongful death claims is the same: two years from the accident date. However, if a pedestrian survives the accident but later dies from the injuries or complications, the statute of limitations for the personal injury and wrongful death claims will be different dates.

To maximize your compensation and understand these complexities, contact an Allentown pedestrian injury lawyer right away

There is a lot happening after an accident and two years sounds like a long time. But do not delay in bringing your case to an attorney. To maximize the compensation you may receive, there is a lot of investigative work for your lawyer to do. To give personal injury lawyers the best chance to recover maximum compensation for you by giving him or her enough time to prepare a winning case. Speak to an award-winning attorney from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys for free consultation today.

Q: Why Choose Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys?

Scranton personal injury attorneysWho you pick matters. At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, the nation’s leading personal injury law firm, we will show you why.

Our Allentown pedestrian accident lawyers win big and win often.

You have lots of options when choosing an accident lawyer, but there is only one Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys. Unlike other law firms, we won’t waste your time telling you how great we think we are. Instead, we’ll let our client testimonials and our major client victories speak for themselves. Join the ever-growing list of Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys pedestrian accident clients who win millions. Contact us today.

We don’t get paid unless we win your personal injury case

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we only deliver the highest quality of legal representation for pedestrian accident victims. In fact, we will put our money where our mouth is. Under our “” model, we promise that if we fail to negotiate a settlement you approve of or win you an award at trial, then we won’t get paid a penny. As an added bonus, rest assured we will never send you a bill while we are fighting your case. On the contrary, we will pay all of the costs of taking on your case to WIN out of our own pocket. At the end, we’ll simply deduct this amount from your winning settlement or jury award. And if you don’t get paid, you’ll walk away owing us absolutely nothing.

See the difference a pedestrian accident lawyer from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys makes in your Allentown pedestrian injury case. Schedule your free consultation right away.

Contact Our Allentown Pedestrian Accident Lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys today

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a pedestrian accident, exercise your right to seek compensation for your medical expenses and other losses.  Since 1959, the accident lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys have represented accident victims across the Lehigh Valley.

You can schedule a free consultation with out car accident attorneys today by calling us or by filling out our online contact form.  If you are unable to come to one of our office locations due to an injury, our injury lawyers can meet you wherever you are located.

Types of Allentown Personal Injury Claims We Handle

Munley Law has successfully secured compensation for victims of the following types of personal injury cases:

Do I Have A Case?

If you think you may have a personal injury case, contact us now for a FREE consultation.

    Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys

    609 Hamilton St
    Allentown, PA 18101
    (610) 857-7424

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