Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits in Hazleton

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Hazleton Workers’ Compensation Lawyers: Death Benefits and Fatal Work Injuries

Despite all the health and safety protocols put in place in Hazleton, work-related fatalities happen. Dealing with the death of a family member after a work-related injury in Hazleton without any financial support can worsen an already dire situation. That’s why Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys understand picking up the broken pieces to rebuild your life without funds can be a daunting if not impossible task. As the family of the deceased, you are entitled to workers’ compensation death benefits to alleviate this financial burden. When you lose a loved one or family member, contact Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys for a free, confidential consultation about workers’ comp and death benefits. 

Looking for a Compassionate  Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Hazleton? Contact Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys 

hazleton workers comp death benefitsYou may feel alone after the death of a loved one due to a work-related injury. In such an emotional time, looking for the best legal representation is challenging but vital. Hazleton workers’ compensation lawyers from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys have experience with death benefits claims as they have successfully handled numerous fatality cases in the past. 

Our expert workers’ compensation attorneys understand the importance of compassion and empathy during our free consultation and through the trial period. Despite your pain and anguish, contact Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys and let us move with you through this trying time.

What are Death Benefits in Hazleton?

If your family member or loved one dies by way of a fatal injury or accident while dispensing their duties at work, you are entitled to compensation known as death benefits.

Death benefits act as compensation to the deceased’s family for the financial loss they’ll suffer after the death of the loved one who was actively earning and supporting them financially.

What Do You Receive as Death Benefits in Hazleton?

Unfortunately, bills and other costs won’t allow you to grieve in peace, and unless handled, they’ll continue to pile. The good news is, death benefits can help settle both immediate and long-term bills. So, what do you receive as death benefits in Hazleton?

  • $3,000 for burial preparations
  • Weekly payments; a certain percentage of your loved one’s remuneration depending on the number of children, if any, that depend on you. As a spouse without any children, you’ll receive 51%. If you have one dependent child, you’ll receive 60%, and up to 67% if you have two or more dependent children.

If You Lost a Loved One Through a Fatal Work Injury or Accident in Hazleton, You May Qualify for Death Benefits

Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys strive and fight for your dignity and your family’s after you’ve tragically lost your loved one through work injury. We’ll ensure you get the compensation you need to bury your loved one with respect and offset any bills they may have left. However, you can only receive death benefits if you are;

  • A legal spouse
  • The deceased’s child who is mentally or physically challenged
  • Parent or sibling who is under 18 years, or 23 years if you are a student
  • A child who is under 18 years, or 23 years if a student

As long as you fall in any of these categories, you can rest assured that Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys will see that you receive compensation for your loved one’s death. If you are on this qualification list and need legal help, don’t hesitate to contact our experts today.

What’s the Importance of a Hazleton Workers’ Compensation Attorney from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys in Your Death Benefit Claim?

It’s not easy dealing with the loss of a loved one due to a fatal work-related injury. Often, employers and their insurers will work to deny you the death benefits. That’s why Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys will fight tooth and nail to ensure you get justice for your loved one and get compensation.

Don’t wait until your deceased employer and company stamp a ‘denied’ header on your forms. You’re stressed and devastated already without adding more news, such as a denied claim to the pile. Contact the experienced and knowledgeable Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys.

Even If Your Loved One was an Independent Contractor or Seasonal Employer, Contact Hazleton Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys

Under Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law, any employee on payroll, regardless of the status of an independent contractor or seasonal worker, has the right to death benefits. Your loved one might be contracted due to a shortage of workers at the construction site to the plumbing section. Unfortunately, while laying the heavy pipes, one of them falls on them, ending their life on the spot. Since they were carrying out their employer’s designated duties at the workplace, they have the right to be compensated.

If your loved one was an independent contractor or seasonal worker and they sustained a fatal work injury, a Hazleton workers’ compensation attorney will help you get compensated. Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys have the experience and expertise to maneuver such a case and ensure you get death benefits, even if your loved one was not a permanent employee.

If You’ve Lost a Loved One While Working in Hazleton, Our Compassion Begins with Free Consultation

Grieving after the loss of a loved one is devastating and painstaking enough without worrying about legal fees. This grieving period should be calm, love-filled, and surrounded by family and friends. At Hazleton’s Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, our workers’ compensation attorneys are compassionate and understand you need a helping hand. Therefore, when you contact us or pop in one of our offices, we will not charge for consultation. Additionally, we won’t charge you any legal fees up until you receive your death benefits. In short, you pay us only when you receive your death benefits. Otherwise, it never happens; you don’t owe us a dime.

You don’t have to carry the burden of losing a loved one and piling legal fees. Allow Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys to help you with the legal fee burden till we ensure you win and receive compensation.

If Your Loved One Hadn’t Worked Long Enough to Get Remunerated, Hazleton’s Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Have a Solution.

Sometimes, an employee can pass away before they receive their first remuneration or before the end of their first pay cycle, for instance, a month. It can be difficult for the employer to calculate the exact compensation for that employee in such a case.

According to Section 121.9 of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, an Agreement For Compensation For Death, Form LIBC-338, may be filled based on the deceased’s employee’s estimated wages.

So, wipe away those worries and doubts that you won’t get the exact percentage of your loved one’s wages; Hazleton’s Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys will guide you and see you receive the correct amount of death benefits to the last cent.

A Death Benefit Claim in Hazleton has been Denied. Contact Hazleton’s Best Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys

While it’s devastating to receive news that your loved one has succumbed to a fatal work injury, it can be even heartbreaking for death benefits to be denied. Often employers and insurance companies deny death benefits; after all, they are in business. Your claim can be rejected if;

You Delayed Filing the Claim

PA laws require you to report any job-related fatality to the bureau of workers’ compensation within 48 hours of the occurrence. For proper documentation, carry all the documents and evidence related to the wrongful death, within this period, failure to which your claim will be denied.

Material Misrepresentation

It happens when you leave out any important info when filing any work-related forms such as insurance at work. The employer and insurance might find a way of pinning the death on the undisclosed info, such as pre-existing medical conditions.


Acts of Bad Faith

The employer and the insurance company are in business and paying out money as death benefits isn’t in their purview. They will find sneaky ways to deny your death claim.


Lack of Proper Evidence and Documentation

Yes, the fatal accident happened, but did anybody witness it? Are there any witness accounts on how your loved one accidentally fell down the ladder? Was the accident caught on video? After the fatal injury, where are the necessary documentation, such as reports and death certificates?


Disputable Circumstances

This happens outside the coverage scope but within the contestability frame. Such circumstances may include;

  • Working under the influence of substances such as alcohol or drugs
  • Suicide, unless you can prove your loved committed suicide as a result of a work-related challenge
  • The insurer might dispute the relationship between you, your children, and the deceased family member
  • Death due to a pre-existing medical condition or outside your loved one’s work scope

If your death benefits claim is denied, don’t fret. Contact a Hazleton workers’ compensation attorney at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys. Our experts don’t accept no for an answer; they’ll fight till you receive your death benefits.

Industries in Hazleton with the Highest Work-Related Fatalities

A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated the industries with the highest work-related fatalities in Hazleton, including;

  • Construction – 20%
  • Transport and warehousing – 17%
  • Vehicle operations – 12%
  • Agriculture, forestry, mining, and hunting – 11%
  • Waste management and remedial services – 9%
  • Retail trade – 5.4%

In addition, this United Steel Workers report had the following facts and figures to report;

  • Job fatalities rate stands at 4% per 100,000 workers
  • Underreporting is common and widespread
  • Workers aged 55 and above are 36% more likely to sustain fatal work injuries
  • A total of 5333 work-related fatalities nationwide
  • More than 150 workers experience fatal work-related injuries due to hazardous working conditions

Common Causes of Work-Related Fatalities in Hazleton

Sometimes, these work-related fatalities in Hazleton happen outside the control of the deceased employee. Certain factors contribute to the occurrence of these work-related injuries, such as;

  • Hazardous working conditions
  • Unpredictable weather conditions and other forces of nature, such as earthquakes
  • Insufficient employee training and sensitization on safety
  • Work-related violence

Data released by The BLS revealed the following as the leading causes of work-related fatalities;

  • Transportation incidents, such as pedestrian and car crashes – 40%
  • Falls, slips, and trips – 17%
  • Violence by other persons and animals – 16%
  • Contact with objects and equipment, such as getting hit by falling objects – 14%
  • Exposure to hazardous materials and environment – 12%
  • Fires and explosion – 2%

Despite various mechanisms to prevent work-related deaths in Hazleton, as put in place by The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), these injuries and accidents still occur. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the death of your family member, Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys will fight for you to receive death benefits.


Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys: Hazleton’s Award-Winning Workers’ Compensation Attorneys will Advocate for You

Losing a loved one as a result of a work-related injury or accident is devastating and life-altering. Even after recovering from the shock and grief through the help of loving family and friends, the reality is that your life will never be the same. Worst case scenario, you don’t have any financial net to fall back on, and you have heaps of bills staring down at you. Hazleton workers’ compensation attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys will represent you every step of the way and fight for your death claim to ease your financial status.

If you are in such a difficult situation and in need of a Hazelton personal injury attorney to help win a death benefits claim, contact Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys via a toll-free call, email, live chat, or pop into one of our offices for a free, compassionate consultation.

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