Reading Brain Injury Lawyer

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Suffering a traumatic brain injury (sometimes called a ) is a life-altering event.  These injuries have the capacity to permanently affect the way you navigate the world around you. If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury due to someone else’s , a Reading brain injury lawyer at Munley Law can help you get the proper compensation you deserve to cope with the financial consequences and aftermath.

$32 Million Wrongful Death

$26 Million Truck Accident

$20 Million Commercial Vehicle Accident

$17.5 Million Car Accident

$12 Million Work Injury

$11 Million Truck Accident

$9 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$7.5 Million Auto Accident

$6.9 Million Garbage Truck Accident

$6.5 Million Traumatic Brain Injury

What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Of course, any injury to the brain, indeed any injury, is traumatic for victims. But a brain injury or traumatic brain damage has specific medical definitions.

At the core, brain damage results from injuries that cause the destruction or deterioration of brain cells. There are two different types, traumatic brain injuries, and acquired brain injuries.

  • Traumatic brain injuries result from an external force that causes the brain to move inside or damage the skull.
  • Acquired brain injuries occur at a cellular level and are most often associated with pressure on the brain, such as a tumor or stroke.

Causes of traumatic brain injury include:

Doctor shows traumatic brain injury patient their xrays in Reading, PA

Car and Truck Accidents

Car and crashes are some of the most common causes of traumatic brain injury. This is because crashes produce a significant impact, jarring the passengers inside vehicles. The force of an impact in a head-on crash, rear-end crash, or any other collision can cause the head to move forward and back at a high rate of speed.

Sports Injuries

Athletes often experience traumatic brain injuries from colliding with other players. In fact, sports and other recreational activities were found to be the leading cause of nonfatal traumatic brain injuries in teens. Football players in particular experience a very high rate of brain injury. In fact, the significant impact and repeated blows to the head that these athletes often experience can lead to something called chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Hockey players, soccer players, and cheerleaders are also at high risk for and other brain injuries.

Sports injuries present unique challenges both because they often impact the still-developing brain of teenagers and because their full scope is often not immediately apparent.

Slip and Falls

Falls are easily the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries in adults over the age of 65. They are also a fairly common cause of traumatic brain injuries in young children. Accidents in this category can include anything from falling down stairs to falling when getting in and out of the shower, and much more.

If you experienced a serious fall at someone’s residence or place of business due to a preventable hazard, the property owner can be held responsible.

Physical Violence

Unfortunately, domestic and other types of violence can often result in TBIs.

Young children are especially at risk for violence induced traumatic brain injuries, given their still-developing brains. While we hope it never happens, caregivers should always be vigilant. Shaken baby syndrome, which typically occurs when someone shakes a child, is a type of traumatic brain injury in infants that can cause lasting damage.

Explosive Blasts and Combat Injuries

The pressure wave that occurs when an explosive blast takes place can cause great damage as it passes through the brain, though the science of this is still somewhat unclear. Active-military and law enforcement personnel are also at a high risk for penetrating brain injuries from bullets or shrapnel. Construction workers can also experience explosive blasts that result in traumatic brain injuries

How Can I Spot a Traumatic Brain Injury?

It can be difficult to spot a brain injury. Common Symptoms of brain injuries vary depending on the type and severity of the injury sustained, and sometimes do not appear immediately.

Mild injuries typically result in temporary side effects that include headaches, confusion, memory problems and nausea. Symptoms of moderate injuries last longer and can be more pronounced. A severe brain injury can result in cognitive, behavioral and physical disabilities.

Regardless of the degree, brain injury victims usually experience symptoms that fall into four main categories:  cognitive, perceptual, physical, and behavioral/emotional.

Common symptoms of a brain injury include:

  • Difficulty processing information
  • Difficulty expressing thoughts
  • Difficulty understanding others
  • Shortened attention span
  • Inability to understand abstract concepts
  • Impaired decision-making ability
  • Memory

Perceptual symptoms:

  • Change in vision, hearing or sense of touch
  • Spatial disorientation
  • Inability to appreciate time
  • Disorders of smell and taste
  • Balance issues
  • Heightened sensitivity to pain

Some physical symptoms of traumatic brain injury include:

  • Persistent headaches
  • Extreme mental fatigue
  • Extreme physical fatigue
  • Seizures
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sleep disorders, which can appear as either difficulty falling or staying asleep, or difficulty waking up.
  • Sudden and unexplained slurred speech
  • Loss of consciousness or fainting

Behavioral and emotional symptoms:

  • Irritability and impatience
  • Reduced tolerance for stress
  • Sluggishness
  • Flattened or heightened emotions and reactions
  • Denial of disability
  • Increased aggression

Any type of brain injury requires immediate medical attention to stabilize the patient and prevent further injury. Because the symptoms of a brain injury are so difficult to predict, and because you may not always be able to detect symptoms right away yourself, if you or a loved one is injured due to someone else’s negligence, you should always seek medical treatment, even if you feel that your injuries were mild.

Reading brain injury lawyer signing a document

What Can a Reading Brain Injury Lawyer Do For You?

Put simply, a brain injury attorney ensures that you have the resources you need to recover properly from your injury and to rebuild your life. An experienced lawyer can handle getting you the compensation you deserve, while you and your family stay focused on moving forward.

But following a brain injury, not just any personal injury lawyer will do. The brain is one of, if not the, most complex organ in the body. Therefore, brain injuries are far more complex than many other types of injuries. For that reason, while there are hundreds of personal injury lawyers in and around Reading, it’s important that you have a lawyer experienced with, and comfortable bringing, a brain injury lawsuit on your side.

This is because the law is both unique and complex, and the medical evidence necessary to prove your injuries, and the ways that they will impact your life will be extremely technical. To ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve, you will need a lawyer familiar with TBI diagnoses and the unique challenges they pose.

At Munley Law, we have helped obtain record-breaking settlements on behalf of people who have suffered serious brain trauma. We work with medical experts to calculate the full scope of your from medical care to assisted living, lost earning power, and .

Frequently Asked Questions for Reading Brain Injury Attorneys

Q: Is a concussion considered a traumatic brain injury?

A: A concussion is usually considered a mild TBI. Usually, the effects of this type of brain injury are temporary, but the impact can be long term if someone experiences multiple concussions or does not take the first one seriously.

Every concussive incident causes some amount of stretching and tearing of nerve fibers in the brain. The more this happens, the higher the likelihood of lasting impact. For that reason it’s important that everyone, even athletes, take every concussion seriously.

Q: Can I have a TBI and not know it?

A: Yes, it is possible to have a traumatic brain injury and not know it right away. Because many TBIs result from closed head injuries (meaning there are no cuts or open wounds), they are not always immediately apparent, especially if the victim does not lose consciousness.

If you are experiencing any or multiple of the symptoms of a brain injury discussed above, or even if you just generally don’t feel “right” or “normal” after an injury, you should go to a doctor immediately for further examination and treatment. The longer a brain injury is left untreated, the more serious the complications can become. For that reason, it’s always better to have a medical professional check it out.

Furthermore, the medical records following these examinations can be invaluable in any future brain injury lawsuit.

Q: What can I do for a loved one experiencing a TBI?

A: Some of the ways you can help a loved one experiencing a serious brain injury are very simple, such as keeping your communication clear and direct. State your name when you greet them, speak slowly and allow plenty of time for your loved one to respond. If your loved one is searching for a word, give them a minute to do so; if they have not found the word at that point, you can guess at what they’re trying to say so that they don’t reach a point of frustration. You can also help your loved one feel grounded and connected to their life by singing familiar songs and showing pictures of friends and family.

The Mayo Clinic has a helpful set of guidelines for additional ways to support your loved one.

And of course, you can help ensure that they receive the compensation owed to them by hiring the experienced attorneys at Munley Law. We receive no payment unless we win for you. Contact us today for your free consultation.

How Munley Law Can Help

We know the last thing you want to do when dealing with a traumatic brain injury is think about lawyers. That said, if you or a loved one are suffering from a traumatic brain injury, working with a lawyer can truly make the process of moving forward to obtain financial compensation much easier.

The best way to learn how we can help is to contact our office for a free initial consultation. It won’t obligate you to do anything or cost you a dime. But below are just some of the ways we at Munley Law can help you.

We can help early after an injury to answer your questions and help you negotiate with the person who caused the injury and any insurance companies involved

After any brain injury, you will have questions. What happens with ? Do you accept the deal you are being offered? What should you do if the person who caused the injury says that you all can just “work it out?” Our attorneys at Munley Law will answer your questions and deal with insurance companies on your behalf so that you may focus on your healing process.

We can help gather evidence and structure your claim, in case more formal proceedings are required

You may not need to file a lawsuit after a traumatic brain injury. In fact, working with a lawyer can help you avoid a lawsuit. We can write demand letters, become involved early in the process to make sure your interests are represented, and present your case informally. Through these methods, early advocacy can get you the relief you need, quickly and without formal .

If we have to fight, we will. And we’ll win

If aggressive early advocacy doesn’t get you the results you need, Munley Law’s experienced attorneys are ready and willing to take the case to court. You aren’t just another case to us, so no matter the opponent, Munley Law is ready to see your case to the end.

Our lawyers at Munley Law does some of its best work in the courtroom, so if that’s where the party who caused your injury makes us go? So be it. We’ll gather evidence, structure your case so it is persuasive to a jury, and make sure your case will withstand scrutiny from our opponents. Our brain injury lawyers will keep all of your personal information confidential. Our law offices has the best brain injury attorney.

Furthermore, you can rest assured that you will not pay anything up front or out of your own pocket.  We do not charge a fee unless we recover compensation for you, and our fee comes directly out of what we recover for you.  Furthermore, contacting us won’t obligate you to do anything.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, contact us to speak to one of our Reading brain injury attorneys for a free consultation by calling, filling out our email form, or chatting live with a personal injury lawyer from our law firm.

Practice Areas That Munley Law Handles in Reading, PA:

Do I Have A Case?

If you think you may have a personal injury case, contact us now for a FREE consultation.

    Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys

    606 Court St.
    Reading, PA 19601
    (610) 831-4234

    BBB Accreditation Badge The information contained on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship nor should any information be considered legal advice as it is intended to provide general information only. Prior case results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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