PATCO to Pay $10 Million in Crash Settlement

After only twenty minutes into a car accident trial last week, a recess was called and the two parties came to agreement on a $10 million settlement to be paid by the Port Authority Transit Corp. (PATCO).   The transit authority had admitted before trial that its truck driver was liable for the collision.

A 55-year-old Berlin, NJ man was driving to work in July 2007 when he was struck by a PATCO truck in Philadelphia, PA.  The man had just crossed a bridge into Philadelphia when the PATCO driver ran a red light and shoved the man’s vehicle into a median strip.  The accident resulted in shattered bones and a broken ankle to the driver.

The man has since undergone 12 surgeries and a painful debriding procedure to try to rid the leg of a serious infection which had begun to cause his flesh to rot.  Unable to do anything else to save his leg, the doctors were forced to amputate.

The man initially sought $12.5 million in damages, but agreed to the $10 million.

If you have been injured or a loved one killed in a vehicle accident that was caused by another person’s carelessness or recklessness, you may be able to recover damages that include medical costs, property loss, lost wages, and pain and suffering.  Please call Munley, Munley & Cartwright’s lawyers at 1-800-318-LAW1 for a free assessment of your case or use our Free Online Accident Case Evaluation.


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