Boy’s Parents Awarded $22.3M In Medical Negligence Suit

The Chicago Sun-Times reports a Cook County jury has awarded the parents of a 10-year-old boy $22.3 million in a medical negligence case that resulted in the loss of the boy’s leg shortly after his birth.

The young boy was born in May 1999 with a congenital heart defect which required a shunt procedure performed at Advocate Christ Medical Center/Hope Children’s Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. Two weeks after being sent home, the parents returned the infant to the emergency room.

The lawsuit alleged his left leg had to be amputated due to mistakes made in the operating room. The child also suffers from cognitive deficiencies and developmental delays alleged to be caused by the delayed treatment and cardiac catheterization.

The jury found the hospital and staff were negligent in failing to diagnose the infant’s shunt problems in time and subjecting him to an unnecessary catheterization.

Our attorneys at Munley, Munley, & Cartwright fierce, dedicated patient advocates and will fight to protect your rights. If you or a loved one have been harmed by medical negligence, you may have a against the doctor or healthcare provider. Contact us now at 1-800-318-LAW1 or submit an online free Medical Malpractice Claim Evaluation.

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