PA personal injury lawyer: exercise your right to vote

By Robert W. Munley

The Pennsylvania primary election day is Tuesday, May 20. Voting is one of our constitutional rights and a key to our nation’s democracy. It is one of the most important rights and responsibilities a citizen has, so it is very important that we all exercise this right.

Approximately 150 million Americans are qualified to vote. Unfortunately far too many eligible voters will not bother to come out to the polls to vote tomorrow, giving up the chance to choose leaders and representatives who will make important decisions.

The right and privilege to vote have been hard fought throughout American history. Many people sacrificed and fought so that women, minorities, and adults younger than 21 could cast ballots. Soldiers and civil right voters died fighting for your right to vote. You owe it to them to exercise this right.

Voting is such an important right because it allows us all to make a real difference by participating in the electoral process, make our voices heard, and shape the future of our country. Our state and local elected representatives make decisions that may affect many aspects of our day-to-day lives. So, if you think your vote doesn’t count, think again, because every vote counts and every person should vote.

Throughout history, there have been elections won by the slimmest of margins. In 2012, The Washington Post reported on the 10 closest races in history to date. They included a 1974 New Hampshire Senate race won by only 2 votes, a 1984 Indiana Congressional race won by only 4 votes, and the 2012 Iowa caucuses won by just 8 votes.

There are many issues to consider when casting your vote, so choose your leaders wisely. Politicians make laws protecting and restricting social freedoms. They also decide how much we pay in taxes and how that money is spent.

With so many critical issues at stake in your neighborhood, city, county, and across the state, this is an important time to take part in the process and encourage your family, friends and other eligible voters to do so as well.

Lackawanna County voters will decide at the polls whether to continue with the current three-commissioner form of county government or replace with a seven-member council and an elected county executive. Pennsylvanians will also vote in the gubernatorial primaries with several Democrats on the ballot vying to see who will oppose Republican Governor Tom Corbett in the next election.

It’s not too late to learn about the candidates and issues affecting your community and your state. Remember that the ballots you cast today will impact your children, grandchildren, and future generations. Vote to improve the world they live in.

In Pennsylvania, the polls will be open on Tuesday from 7 am to 8 pm. The website can answer voting questions you may have and also help you find your polling place. Get out and vote, and let your voices be heard.

If you’ve been hurt in an accident, contact a personal injury lawyer at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys to learn more about your legal rights and options.

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