Recommendations to Keep Sick Truckers From Behind the Wheel Still Not Completed

Frightening new information regarding the safety of highway travelers has come to light. The Associated Press recently obtained a new U.S. safety study showing that hundreds of thousands of tractor-trailer and bus drivers with commercial licenses, who travel our nation’s highways everyday, are actually eligible for full federal disability.

The threats facing highway drivers are still a continued presence despite warnings and eight recommendations made by U.S. safety regulators beginning back in 2001. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, responsible for correcting the issues, has failed to complete any of these eight recommendations.

Every year, medical rules for truckers are violated all over the nation. The most recent information collected by the Transportation Department in 2006, shows Pennsylvania as one of the states where medical rules for commercial drivers were most frequently broken. The other states include: Texas, Maryland, Georgia, Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Alabama, New Jersey, Minnesota, and Ohio.

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