Emergency Services Secured for Marcellus Shale Region

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has secured the services of CUDD Well Control to provide emergency response services in Pennsylvania in case an emergency arises from any of the Marcellus Shale wells.  DEP has taken this step in response to recent high-profile accidents at natural gas wells in Pennsylvania.

The company will establish a new facility in Canton Township, Bradford County, allowing Cudd’s highly specialized, well-equipped emergency response crew to respond to any natural gas well in Pennsylvania within five hours.

The state will only employ CUDD’s services when needed through emergency contracts on a case-by-case basis.  This process will limit costs to taxpayers to events when CUDD personnel are mobilized.

Our attorneys at Munley, Munley & Cartwright are experienced in worksite accident lawsuits and will evaluate your case and explore all possible sources of recovery. We fight to protect the rights of workers. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a Marcellus Shale drilling accident, you may have a legal . Contact us at 1-800-318-LAW1 or submit an online free claim evaluation.

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