RVs and Fire Safety

Recreational vehicles or “RVs” are a fun way to travel and are used by thousands vacationers each year. Vacation is usually the last time you expect to have a disaster, and therefore, it is unsurprising that many RV owners are unprepared when an RV fire occurs.

News stories about RV fires are not uncommon. One 2009 article tells the story of an Arizona couple that was lucky enough to escape from their RV after it caught fire. According to the victims, a fired consumed the RV in a matter of seconds, and they remarked that it was “a miracle we got out of there alive.” Once an RV fire starts, it is difficult to put it out.

A number of product defects can potentially cause fires in RVs. Leaks in radiator hoses or other liquids spill onto hot engine parts and ignite. Malfunctioning brakes can create friction that can cause the tire catch fire. Spontaneous combustion is also a problem since most RVs have propane tanks that are highly flammable and can leak. Fires may also start due to faulty electrical wiring or batteries.

A lack of universal RV safety standards as well as defective RV design have been and continue to be factors in RV fires. If you think you have been a victim of a defective RV that has caught fire, you should seek the advice an attorney with experience handling defective RV cases.

If you believe you or a loved one was injured due to a defective RV, it is important to explore your legal options. Call Munley Law today at 855-866-5529, use our online form, or visit our offices in Scranton, Stroudsburg, Clarks Summit, Wilkes-Barre, and Philadelphia.


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