Summer grilling safety tips

Keep your backyard barbecue free of fire hazards

Grilling is a summertime staple, but it’s also an extremely common cause of house fires. Keep your family, friends, and party guests safe from harm by making sure you’re up to speed on grill safety.  It is very important to be aware of how dangerous grills are, what to do before you use a grill, and how to handle a grill when it is on, to prevent serious fires or injuries.

grill fire safetyAccording to the National Fire Protection Agency, gas grills were involved in an average of 7,900 home fires per year, including 3,300 structure fires, and 4,700 outdoor fires.  Leaking and breakage were the top problems with gas grills.  Five out of six grills involved in home fires were fueled by gas, while 14% used charcoal or other solid fuel.  Grills not only are causing many structure, and outdoor fires, but also many injuries.  From 2012 to 2016, an average of 16,600 patients per year went to the emergency room for injuries involving grills!  Fires have been breaking out in Northeast Pennsylvania due to improper use of grills, and it is important we know the precautions to take to avoid injuries and fires in our area.

In May, a grill fire tore through an apartment complex in Scranton.  The Chief of police stated that the fire began when one of the residents started the grill too close to the home.  A dozen people were forced from the apartment complex, luckily everyone made it out safely.  If the resident knew the right precautions to take with a grill the fire would not have started.  Injuries and fires involving grills normally result from using the grills incorrectly.

Most people think using a grill properly is a simple and carefree task.  If you do not know how to use a grill in the right way it can be extremely dangerous.  It is important to be aware of how to use a gas or charcoal.  There are a few ways you can avoid this by following these Summer Grilling Safety Tips:


  • Keep your grill at least 10 feet away from your house.
  • Clean your grill regularly, grease is a major reason for flare ups
  • Check for gas leaks
  • Keep decorations away from your grill
  • Keep a spray bottle of water handy
  • Keep a fire extinguisher within a couple steps of your grill


  • Turn the gas on while your grill lid is closed
  • Leave your grill unattended
  • Overload your grill with food
  • Use a grill indoors

If you have Charcoal Grill, there are other steps to take to prevent fires and injuries:

  • Only use Charcoal starter fluid to start up your grill
  • Keep the charcoal fluid away from your children
  • When you are finished grilling, make sure to let coals completely cool before disposing in a metal container.

Grills are meant to make our summer experience better. Being educated in grill usage is very important and if the steps are taken on how to use a grill properly, your summer will be happy, safe, and fun!



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