Fatal Fire in Allentown

Families and community members are reeling this morning after an explosion last night leveled several homes in Allentown, Pennsylvania, leaving two people dead and several others unaccounted for.  CNN reports that two homes were flattened and left burning after the initial explosion, six more were consumed by the resulting fire, and an additional 16 homes were affected by the late night blast.

The cause of the explosion had not yet been confirmed; however, the city’s fire chief Robert Scheirer, said, “We believe it to be a natural gas explosion. We don’t know if the leak was inside the home or out on the street.”  The gas was shut off to stop it from fueling the fire.  Scheirer explained that in the winter fuel lines can freeze and crack, leading to gas leaks.

According to The Morning Call, more than 600 people from the surrounding city blocks and the Gross Towers senior apartment complex, which is a short distance from the explosion site, were evacuated last night. Most have returned back home.

The family of lawyers at Munley, Munley and Cartwright extend our condolences to the families who have lost loved ones in the fire.  We offer our continued support to everyone affected by the tragedy.

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