Avoiding Fall Accidents on Pennsylvania Roads

Don’t become another Pennsylvania crash victim statistic

Avoid fall accidents and collisions with these tips from the nation’s leading car crash lawyers

There is no time quite like autumn in Pennsylvania. The leaves turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and gold. The weather cools. And the smell of wood fireplaces fills the air. However, many Pennsylvanians do not realize that the fall months are among the most dangerous for drivers. In fact, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation‘s (PennDOT) annual Crash Facts & Statistics report, there are more crashes in the fall than any other season. Protect yourself and your family from fall accidents by following these tips from our expert car crash lawyers.

Slow down and be extra careful on leaf-covered roads

As Pennsylvania trees become bare, their leaves fall to the ground and cover the roads and highways. When these leaves become wet, they are incredibly slippery. To avoid a fall accident, drive slowly and carefully anytime you are on a road covered in wet leaves.

Make sure to use your lights

In the fall, the days grow shorter and colder as winter approaches. As such, it stays darker much later in the morning and the sun sets much earlier in the evening. If your job or commute requires you to drive during these times, make sure to drive with your low beams on.

Beware deer and other critters

According to PennDOT’s Fall Driving advisories, “fall marks the deer’s breeding season, and deer pay less attention and become bolder as they move around more and travel greater distances seeking mates.” As such, drivers should remain extra vigilant between sunrise and sunset in the fall, as this is when deer are most active.

Watch for school children

In the fall, children go back to school. Kids are smaller and harder to see than most adults, and they are less experienced walkers, bikers, and drivers. They may not adhere to basic safety precautions such as looking before crossing the street or stepping off or onto a school bus. Be on the lookout for school age children. Pay extra attention in school zones and never pass a school bus with an extended stop sign.

Check your tire pressure

The safest tires are dry tires with enough tread and sufficient tire pressure. Generally speaking, tires pressure drops an average of 1 pound per square inch (PSI) every month, regardless of the weather conditions. On top of that, tire pressure drops an additional 1 PSI for every 10 ºF that the temperature drops. As the weather cools in fall, make sure to regularly check your tire pressure and fill tires with air as needed.

Prepare for the glare

As the earth moves further from the sun in fall and winter, the sun moves closer to the horizon. As a result, the sun points directly into your eyes as you are driving and more readily reflects off of water, other vehicles, and glass windows. This glare can blind you and make it difficult to see while driving. Maximize your visibility by ensuring that your windshield is clear and keeping polarized sunglasses in your car. These simple steps can save you from many fall accidents.

Account for Unexpected Frost

Even on beautiful fall days where the temperature rises into the 50s and 60s ºF, the temperature often drops below freezing at night. As a result, any wetness or dampness can also freeze over, forming an invisible layer of frost or “black ice” over Pennsylvania’s streets, roads, and highways. When driving early in the morning or in the evenings, drive slowly and carefully.

If you were injured in a fall accident in Pennsylvania, get the justice you deserve with the nation’s leading car and truck crash lawyers

If you are a fall car crash victim, you need a lawyer who will fight for you. You need a lawyer who will get results. You need Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys.

We are a team of the nation’s best car and truck collision lawyers. We win for our clients and we win big. So big, in fact, that our client victories, like the $26 million settlement we negotiated for a truck accident victim, set records.

However, our awards and national recognition will never change our small firm Pennsylvania roots. When Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys represents you, you become part of the Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys family and we will treat you as such. In fact, we won’t get paid for our representation unless you get paid. We will pay all of the costs of fighting your case upfront and you’ll never get a bill from us.

Plus, a consultation with an award-winning Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys car and truck crash lawyer is always free. What are you waiting for? Call, chat, text, or email us today.

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