When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

Car accidents are traumatizing events for all involved. In the aftermath of a car accident, there are so many questions to be answered. What kind of medical care do I need? Do I have to take time off work? Will my cover this? Is my car okay? Can I afford all this? How will I get to work? In the midst of all this, one question that may cross your mind is: Do I need a lawyer?

You’re not required to hire a car accident attorney, and in some cases, doing so may not be necessary. However, while working with an experienced lawyer does not guarantee a specific outcome, it does guarantee that you’ll have someone with knowledge of the legal system fighting on your behalf. For many people, working with a personal injury lawyer after a car accident is worth it because it means that can focus on things like rest and recovery, while their car accident lawyer handles the rest.

If you’re interested in hiring a car accident lawyer, or you’re wondering whether that’s necessary for your particular car accident, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Here at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we believe that all accident victims deserve justice, and we’re ready to protect your rights. Contact us any time for a free consultation. And remember, you don’t owe us a dime unless we win for you.

How Soon Should I Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

Car Accident Attorney Chris Munley speaking to attorneysGenerally, it’s best to hire a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after your car accident. It’s not uncommon for insurance adjusters from both your insurance company and the other driver’s insurance company to start contacting as just days after the accident. Hiring a lawyer immediately after the accident means that all of this communication between you and the various auto insurance companies can go through your attorney. This can be hugely beneficial, as it means that there’s no risk of a claims adjuster twisting your words or pushing you into accepting blame or an unfair settlement. Additionally, when you hire an experienced car accident attorney immediately after the accident, they can get straight to work gathering evidence and securing you fair financial compensation.

That said, you can absolutely hire a personal injury lawyer at any point during your case. Sometimes, people begin the process without legal representation and quickly realize that doing so is simply too overwhelming. It’s never too late to reach out to one of our personal injury lawyers, even if your case is already underway.

What Exactly Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

In order to decide if you’d like to hire with a lawyer, it can be helpful to understand exactly what a personal injury attorney can do for you and why working with one may be helpful. Some of the things an experienced personal injury lawyer can do for you after your car crash include:

Gather Evidence

Personal injury lawyer Caroline Munley working at her deskOne of the first things a car accident lawyer can do for you is gather evidence that can help your personal injury . Doing so can help establish with the other party. Evidence may include the police report, photographs of the accident scene, and proof of the other driver’s . Evidence can also include proof of the financial impact the car accident has had on you, including lost wages, medical expenses and medical bills, future medical records, and more. What’s more, some of this evidence can be extremely difficult to obtain with the aid of legal counsel.

Deal With the Insurance Company

As noted above, with most car accident cases, the first line of defense is to see is to go through the claims process with the insurance company. In an ideal world, you may be able to end the process here, if the insurance company is willing to pay out the full amount of financial compensation you need and deserve based on your claim. However, particularly in the event that you’ve sustained a significant injury or a permanent disability, this may not be the case. In a situation like that, you may want to seek compensation via a personal injury lawsuit. And regardless of whether you need to seek compensation outside of your insurance policy or not, your experienced attorney can navigate you through the process of working with the insurance adjuster.

Negotiate a Settlement

In a car accident case that does necessitate filing a personal injury lawsuit, one of the biggest roles most personal injury lawyers take on is heading up the negotiations process. Your experienced personal injury attorney will review your case in great detail and ultimately determine how much your case is worth. This can be done by looking at things like lost wages and medical bills, but it can also account for the emotional and psychological impact of the accident. All of this will be taken together in order to determine how much your case is worth; this number will then be presented to the at fault driver and their legal counsel. Most likely, they will counter with an offer of their own. This process continues until both sides agree. Your lawyer will both ensure that your case is valued appropriately, and that you don’t ever accept a lowball offer.

Can I Resolve My Car Accident Case Through My Insurance Company?

Personal injury attorney Marion Munley speaking with a clientWorking with a lawyer can be helpful for any case, whether that involves serious injuries or far more minor injuries. However, there are certainly situations in which it’s entirely possible to resolve your motor vehicle accident case entirely through an insurance claim.

No matter what kind of accident it is, all car accident victims should alert their insurance company that an accident occurred as soon as possible. Once they’ve been alerted, the insurance companies–both yours and the one covering the other driver–can begin their investigation process.

If the accident is minor, there’s a good chance it can be resolved at this point of the process. Something like a fender bender that caused minor injuries, if any, does not necessarily need to be escalated to a personal injury lawsuit. Depending on where you live and what kind of insurance coverage you have, you could file an insurance claim with either your own insurance company or that of the negligent driver. You would then receive coverage for your property damage and medical bills through either your own insurance company, or the other driver’s insurance company.

However, there are many cases in which the compensation you can receive through an insurance claim would not be sufficient to cover your needs. For instance, if you’re seeking coverage through the negligent driver and their coverage and they are underinsured or uninsured, you may be left with hefty bills that their insurance can’t cover. Or your injuries may be so severe that even substantial insurance coverage can’t meet your needs.

In these cases, working with a personal injury law firm to recover compensation may be your best course of action. It’s also important to remember that types of insurance coverage and the roles they play in an accident varies from state to state.

For accident victims who have been in a serious auto accident, one that involves more serious injuries, or something like a claim, working with a lawyer is often the best path towards the desired outcome.

How Can I Decide If I Should Hire a Lawyer?

Personal Injury Attorney John Mulcahey working at his deskIf you’re at all interested in working with an attorney to seek compensation for your car accident injuries, you’re welcome to reach out to Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys for a free case evaluation at any time.

There are some scenarios and types of car accident cases in which working with an attorney may be in your best interest. If your case is one that cannot be resolved through insurance, whether due to a lack of insurance coverage or the severity of the accident, it’s likely that a car accident claim will be your best course of action.

It’s important to remember that many car accident victims experience the impact of the accident for the rest of their lives. Car accident injuries, if severe, can mean that the injured party is unable to work, or needs to perform a different kind of work, for the foreseeable future. They may need to pay for medical expenses for months, if not years, or hire in-home care or physical therapists. The costs of these future medical bills and additional expenses can be immense, and would likely not be adequately covered through an insurance payment.

If you’re interested in filing a personal injury claim, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys car accident attorneys. We’re experts in personal injury cases involving car accidents, and can help you achieve fair compensation for all that you’ve been through.

What Do I Do Immediately After a Car Accident?

Whether or not you decide to work with a car accident attorney, it’s crucial to be aware of what steps you should take immediately after a car accident. Taking these steps both ensure your safety and set you up for success down the line.

  • Call the police: It’s always wise to call the police after a car accident immediately. Once the police arrive, they will assess the scene and write a police report that can be used as part of your legal claim down the road.
  • Seek medical attention: Even if you don’t appear injured, it’s smart to seek medical attention if you’ve been in an accident. Some injuries may not become apparent until hours or days after the incident.
  • Document the scene: Take pictures of the scene, including the positioning of all vehicles, any damage done to them, and more. You can also ask witnesses for their contact information so that you can you can potentially utilize their accounts later on.
  • Alert your insurance company: No matter who was at fault or how severe the accident was, you should call your insurance company. If you don’t take this step quickly after the accident, they may attempt to deny your claim later on in the claims process.
  • Consider whether you should hire an attorney: Depending on the specifics of the accident, consider whether you may want to hire an attorney as you seek a car accident settlement. If you’re insure as to whether hiring an attorney is right for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys for a free consultation.

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Is Here To Help

All of the personal injury attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys are so deeply sorry if you or a loved one has experienced a car accident. The accident itself is often only the beginning of a very intense experience, followed by physical recovery, dealing with the insurance company, and trying to get back to the life you love. We can’t change what happened, and we can’t take those things away, but we at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys can ensure that you don’t fight this battle alone.  We believe all victims of car accidents have rights, and we are here to protect them.

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, each of our lawyers has over a decade of experience, as well as hands-on trial and courtroom experience.  We do not get paid unless we win your case, and we will be by your side as you fight to seek justice and maximum compensation after your car accident. We also have a stellar record when it comes to the car accident lawsuit.

If you are seeking legal representation, or are wondering whether you have a valid legal claim, or simply want a free case evaluation, please reach out to a car accident lawyer here at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys. We can provide you with an experienced auto accident attorney who will be by your side every step of the way, fighting to protect your rights and advocating for you. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

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