Working multiple jobs increases risk for injury

16248821_sDo you have more than one job?

Approximately 14 million Americans do. According to a recent study by the Liberty Mutual Research Institute, people who hold more than one job are at an increased risk for workplace injuries. The LMRI study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, found that working multiple jobs increases the risk of injury (both at work and not at work) by 27%.

The researchers looked at 15 years of data from the National Health Interview Survey conducted by the Census Bureau and compared information on  American adults who held multiple jobs and those who only held one. They discovered that the 14 million people working more than one job were 27% more likely to suffer an injury.

There are a few reasons for this increase in risk. Inexperience  and lack of training accounts for a higher risk of work-related accident and injury, and many of the people who have multiple jobs are inexperienced in at least one of their occupations, especially if their second job is to provide supplementary income. Individuals who work more than one job also tend to exhibit hurried behavior, fatigue from long hours or back to back shifts, and mental and physical stress. They also tend to work during nighttime hours, when accidents are even more plausible. Multiple job holders generally work more hours per week and sleep fewer hours per day than those who hold a single job. All of these conditions create an  increased likelihood for injury. When workers are not alert, accidents are much more likely to occur. Furthermore, a second job can aggravate an injury sustained at a first job, causing even more complications.

Shift workers (those who work odd hours or irregular shifts outside of a 9-5 schedule, for example) fall into this category of employees. Among multiple job holders, young people are of especial concern. Young workers in their teens and early twenties have a high rate of occupational injury due in large part to their general lack of experience and safety training. They are more likely to work for minimum wage and therefore to need supplemental income. Teenagers and young adults are also likely to work odd hours, night jobs, or be distracted by school or a second job.

The results of this research can be used to help employers and lawmakers better understand the circumstances surrounding work injuries and make more informed decisions about what can be done to prevent them.

In the event of a work injury, the workers’ compensation process can be confusing and overwhelming. If you or a loved one have been hurt on the job, contact the workers’ compensation attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys. We will answer your questions and ensure that your legal rights are fully protected. We offer free initial consultations, so you will risk nothing by coming to us with your concerns. Call us today at 855-866-5529.

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