Back to School Safety 101


Traveling safely back to school

It’s that time of year again! School is starting for students all over the United States. Thirteen percent of those students walk or ride a bike to school, and more than half of school students ride the school bus.

Whether you have children heading back to school or not, here are some quick lessons on how to avoid a tragedy this fall.

Watch where you’re going: Child pedestrians are in especial danger because they are small, difficult to see, and may not understand proper traffic safety. For instance, they’re more likely than adults to walk across the street without checking to see if a car is coming. That’s why it’s important for all drivers, especially during peak pick-up and drop-off hours and in school zones to pay attention. Watch for children crossing in front of a bus after being dropped off, waiting at a bus stop, walking to school, or riding a bike. Always come to a complete stop and look both ways at a stop sign or intersection. Put down your phone and watch the road while you’re driving.

Slow down: It is always important to maintain a safe speed, but especially while in a school zone. A difference of just 10 mph can be the difference between life and death; A car that crashes traveling at 25 mph is 66% less likely to result in a fatality than a car traveling at 35 mph.

Know your bus driver: If you’re a parent whose child rides the bus to school, it’s a good idea to get to know your bus driver. While school buses are generally considered the safest means of transportation for kids to take to and from school, it is advisable to become familiar with the person responsible for your child’s safety during that commute. Learn your child’s bus schedule and know when pick up and drop off times will be before school starts.

Teach safe habits: If you have young children, teach them how to cross the street safely. Remind them to look both ways, stay on the sidewalks, use crosswalks,and remember that drivers might not be able to see them.

teen driverFor teen drivers: A quarter of fatal crashes involving teens occur in the after-school period from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. If your child will be driving to school this year or getting a ride with a friend, it is extra important to instill safe habits. Setting a good example as a parent is one way to teach safe driving.  Talk to your teenager about how very easy it is to get into a life-changing crash just by looking at a smartphone or cell phone for a few seconds. Minimize distraction by limiting the number of people in the car with a newly licensed driver.

To learn more about your legal rights in the event of an accident, contact a car accident attorney or personal injury lawyer at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, and we will review your case for free.  Fill out our email contact form, or call us at 855-866-5529.

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