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Caring for a Sick Household Member

What should I do if a member of my household gets sick?

Most people who get sick with coronavirus only have mild symptoms and are able to recover at home. If your employee or coworker tests positive for COVID-19, consider sanitizing and disinfecting your workplace to eliminate harmful germs.   If you suspect you or a household member has coronavirus, you should call your doctor or county health department for medical advice. Ask  if COVID-19 testing is available and recommended.  Without testing, you will not know for certain if the illness is coronavirus or something else. Follow this guidance from the CDC:


Have the sick person stay in one room as much as possible.

Have them use their own bathroom, if possible. 

Have them wear a cloth face covering, especially when around other people.

Avoid sharing personal household items, such as towels and bedding.

Have them rest and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

Provide them with over-the-counter medications for their symptoms. 

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. 

Wash laundry thoroughly.  Keep soiled laundry away from your body.  Wear disposable gloves and wash your hands immediately after removing them.


What if I cannot follow these CDC recommendations?

Some people are living in tight quarters and do not have the space to fully self quarantine.   Do the best that you can to have the sick person remain at least 6 feet away from everyone else, and have them wear some form of cloth face covering to minimize the spread of their infection.  Be certain to clean shared spaces, especially bathrooms, frequently.  


How do I know when I can end my self-quarantine?

According to CDC recommendations, people who have self-isolated because they tested positive for COVID-19 can stop doing so after these three conditions have been met:

(1)  They no longer have a fever (without use of medication) AND

(2) Other symptoms have improved AND

(3) They receive 2 negative tests in a row, 24 hours apart


For people who will not be tested, they can end self-quarantine when:

(1) They are fever free for 72 hours (without medication) AND

(2) Other symptoms have improved AND

(3) At least 7 days have passed since their first symptoms appeared


How do I know When to Seek Medical Treatment? 

Monitor the sick person’s symptoms.  If they are getting worse, call your healthcare provider.  For emergencies, call 911 and notify the dispatcher that the person has, or is suspected to have, COVID-19.

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