Car Accidents

Pregnant Women Should Buckle Up, NHTSA Says

When you are carrying a child and as your abdomen grows, wearing a seatbelt (or anything else for that matter) can feel constricting and uncomfortable. But the National Highway Safety Administration says this shouldn’t stop you from buckling up. By wearing your seatbelt, you are protecting not only yourself in the event of an accident, you are protecting your unborn child as well.

As reported by the NY Daily News, pregnant women involved in car accidents put their unborn children at risk for injury as well. The more severe your auto accident injuries are, the more serious the risk to your child is. In the most extreme cases, you could miscarry as a result of a bad accident.

Wearing a seatbelt protects both of you when an accident occurs. In an effort to encourage moms-to-be to buckle up, the NHTSA issued a safety bulletin with details on how to keep pregnant women safe in vehicles. […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.

4 Pennsylvania School Bus Accidents In One Week

Week in early December 2012 yields high amount of school bus accidents

In less than a week, there were four separate school bus wrecks in Pennsylvania – with dozens of students being rushed to hospitals.

Contributing factors included inclement weather, hazardous road conditions, decreased visibility due to shorter days and increased holiday .

There were 121,312 reportable traffic wrecks in Pennsylvania in 2010, according to the state . A total of 1,324 people were killed in Pennsylvania automobile crashes that year, and 88,000 were injured.

Following are summaries of the four school bus wrecks, all of which occurred in early December:

  • 20 York County students taken to the hospital. The school bus they were riding in was struck from behind by a sports utility vehicle just after 7 AM on December 14. […]

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Family Wins $2.85 Million in Auto Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A Dauphin County jury has awarded $2.85 million to the family of a Hummelstown man killed in a 2006 wreck.

Fifty-seven-year-old William H. Smith was killed when a backhoe fell off a hauling trailer on I-83 and struck the vehicle he was driving. The backhoe had been negligently placed on the trailer.

In Pennsylvania, the family of someone killed in an automobile accident caused by the of another person or company can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible .

Here is a report in The Patriot-News about the Dauphin County :

Smith, a father of two, died on Jan. 3, 2006 when a backhoe was jolted from a on Interstate 83 and its bucket slammed into his sport utility vehicle.

Smith’s wife, […]

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Teen Killed In Bucks County Car Crash

A teenager was killed and another critically injured in a single-car collision in Bucks County on December 9.

Three other teens riding in the back seat climbed from the wreckage dazed and bleeding. All three were taken to the hospital.

The teen who died was in the front passenger seat. He was not wearing a seatbelt.

By law, individuals who are injured in a Pennsylvania motor vehicle crash, or the families of people killed through no of their own, have a right to compensation for their losses.

Here is a news report on the tragic Bucks County accident:

Cameron Smithwick, 19, was killed and LJ Tanner, 18, was left in critical condition. Three other teens in the car also had to go to the hospital.

Cameron’s family says the silver Monte Carlo hit a bump and flipped several times before crashing into a utility pole. […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.


PA Pedestrian Accidents Rise At Christmas

Shorter days and extended holiday hours can be a deadly mix for Pennsylvania shoppers.

Far more pedestrians are struck and killed by vehicles at night – almost 71 percent – than during daylight hours, according to crash statistics from the Pennsylvania .

And most of these deaths occur in areas other than intersections, such as mid-block crossings, driveways, and parking lots.

The danger is especially great in the Christmas season when excited shoppers are rushing to and from malls and downtown business districts with armloads of packages and children in tow.

A total of 1,539 pedestrians were injured when hit by a vehicle in non-daylight hours, according to the 2011 Pennsylvania DOT Crash Facts and Statistics – and 106 pedestrians were killed.

If you or a loved one is hurt in a pedestrian accident in Pennsylvania, […]

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