The 4th of July Ranks #1 for Deadly Crashes – Travel Safely!

July 4th statistics show a drastic increase in fatal car accident probability

No matter what your 4th of July plans include, take extra care over the holiday weekend!

The 4th of July ranks #1 in an IIHS study of deadly crashes per day between 2010-2014 (see below for the list of the top 10 deadliest days). Millions of travelers on the road increase the risk for a car accident, especially because many of those travelers will be navigating unfamiliar areas. This year, AAA forecasts that a record number of Americans will travel by car over the holiday.

2016-4th of July-Travel-Forecast


And, it’s not just drivers who face a higher risk on the road – Independence Day is the deadliest day of the year for motorcyclists as well. The chance of a motorcycle crash doubles on July 4, compared to the other days of the year. deadliest days car and motorcycle

In addition to the increased volume of on the road, alcohol is a huge factor that leads to a high crash rate on July 4.

While traveling on a major holiday is always risky, some simple behaviors can help cut down on crash deaths.

1. Never drink and drive – before you head out to celebrate, plan ahead of time how you will be getting home.

2. If you’re riding a motorcycle, wear a helmet.

3. If you’re traveling out of town, be prepared. Plan your route before you leave to cut down on navigation distraction while you’re driving. And, get your vehicle’s battery, tires, and fluids checked before you begin your trip. Expect delays, and maintain a safe speed.

4. Always wear a seat belt, regardless of whether you’re driving across the country or across town.

5. Take extra care in work zones.

If you or someone you love are hurt in a crash over the holiday, contact our office. Someone will be available to speak with you 24/7. There’s no charge for our initial consultation.

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