Car Accidents Increase by the Largest Percent in 50 Years

car-accident-lawyer“Americans take their safety on the roadways for granted,” said Deborah A.P. Hersman, president and CEO of the National Safety Council.

In 2015, the number of deadly car accidents shot up 8% since 2014, the largest year-over-year increase in 50 years. Despite the tremendous strides being made in vehicle safety technology and safe driving awareness programs, 2015 is estimated to be the deadliest driving year since 2008. How is that possible? In addition to stubbornly high rates of distracted, drowsy, or drunk drivers, the fact is that Americans drove more in 2015 than in the recent past. Lower gas prices and lower unemployment contributed to this increase. With more income and less expensive fuel, Americans were more likely to travel. More drivers on the road and more miles being traveled correspond with higher numbers of traffic fatalities.

As Hershman points out, driving a car is one of the most dangerous activities we engage in on a regular basis, and reckless driving behaviors are rampant. The fact is, few of us think about the possibility of getting into a serious accident until it happens to us, or someone we love.

We often take our safety for granted, but in reality it is each of our personal responsibilities to make the roads safer. Always remember to:

  • Drive defensively
  • Eliminate distraction – never text or use social media while driving
  • Don’t drive if you feel drowsy or sleep-deprived
  • Never drive while intoxicated
  • Maintain a safe speed
  • Wear your seat belt, and insist your passengers do as well

If you or a loved one are hurt in a car accident, we can help you understand what your legal rights are. Call any time, 24/7, and we will go over the details of your case for free. There is never any fee unless we win your case.

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