Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Reaches $1.9 Million Truck Accident Settlement


Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys recently announced a $1.9 million settlement in a case stemming from a tractor trailer accident in 2013. Attorneys Marion Munley, Bob Munley, and Caroline Munley represented plaintiffs Michael Holder, Jr. and Heather Williams whose father Michael Karl Holder was killed in the accident.

On April 10, 2013, at approximately 3:00 a.m., Wilfredo Suarez was driving west on Interstate 80 when at least one tire on his trailer blew out. An electrical system malfunction, due to poor maintenance, caused all of the trailer’s lights to fail. Suarez turned the vehicle around and began traveling east on I-80 at a rate of 12-18 miles per hour, with flat tires and no lights, posing a serious risk to other drivers.

Michael Karl Holder was traveling east on I-80 in Wolf Creek Township, Mercer County, PA, at approximately 3:30 a.m. when he encountered the defendant. He was unable to avoid colliding with Suarez, whose unilluminated truck was moving at a dangerously slow rate of speed on the dark highway. Holder suffered fatal injuries as a result of the crash.

Attorney Marion Munley noted that this settlement holds Suarez Trucking accountable for the unsafe condition of the truck and the negligent conduct that ultimately led to the crash. She added, “Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys is honored to represent the Holder family. While no amount of money can replace the loss of their father, we hope that this settlement will provide the family with some level of security.”

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