Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed in Texas I-35 Truck Accident Deaths

The sole survivor of an SUV struck by an 18-wheeler in a construction area of Texas I-35 has filed a wrongful death lawsuit. Named in the suit are her 13-year-old son and her 63-year-old father who both died in the accident which occurred over the 4th of July weekend.

The woman’s lawsuit was filed against the truck driver, the driver’s company, the construction company, and the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT.) Her SUV had slowed down for traffic in a construction zone where the highway narrowed to one lane when they were hit by the tractor trailer.

The lawsuit claims TXDOT did not have adequate safety controls in place which made the accident possible. After spending five days in ICU, the survivor is still recovering from her injuries.

Since the July 4th accident, three more people have been killed by another 18-wheeler in the same construction area.

The attorneys at Munley Law have years of experience in truck accident claims. If you have been injured or lost a loved one as a result of a tractor trailer accident, call our office today for a free assessment of your case or use our free Online Accident Case Evaluation.

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