Man Awarded $6 Million When Tree Limb Falls, Causes Broken Neck

What is reported to be one of the largest verdicts in Hunterdon County has been awarded to a Delaware Township man for injuries suffered when a large tree limb fell on his car in 2006.

Kenneth Matlock and his wife suffered broken necks when a limb from an oak tree fell onto their car from a height of about 20 feet, according to news reports. Mr. Matlock is permanently disabled from the incident.

The DOT was found to be responsible since the tree was in the state’s right-of-way. The tree was thought to have been weakened from recent flooding and rot. The lawsuit claimed the defendants failed to maintain the property next to the road and failed to warn drivers of the tree hazards which they knew of and failed to fix.

There had been 55 reports of tree-related incidents in the area in the 2 years prior to Matlock’s accident. The jury was unanimous in agreeing the DOT was negligent for not removing the tree.

The Munley, Munley, & Cartwright law firm has years of experience in personal injury claims. If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of an accident caused by the carelessness or negligence of another, call our office today for a free assessment of your case or contact us online.

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