Report: FDA officials opposed policy to pre-empt drug lawsuits

Congressional investigators said Wednesday that scientists and longtime employees at the Food and Drug Administration opposed agency regulations that weakened the ability of injured consumers to sue drug manufacturers.

A drug labeling rule approved in 2006 limited when people could sue in state court over injury claims involving dangerous or defective medications. The FDA rule contends that federal regulations prevail when there is a conflict with state law. This concept is called pre-emption. The latest report shows that many knowledgeable scientists and agency officials opposed the 2006 rule.

At Munley, Munley & Cartwright, we believe in your right to seek justice when you have been harmed by a dangerous pharmaceutical product. If you or someone you care about has been injured or killed by an unsafe prescription drug, contact us today for a free consultation at 1-800-318-LAW1.

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