Neurosurgeon Awarded $3 Million for Injury at Medical Center

The Scranton Times Tribune reports a neurosurgeon who suffered a broken leg when he was hit by a hospital bed being pushed down the hall, has been awarded $3.25 million in his personal injury lawsuit against Community Medical Center.

When you are hurt because of someone else’s actions, negligence or reckless behavior, you have suffered a personal injury. And when a personal injury takes place, the responsible person or company that caused the injury should be held accountable. At Munley Law, we understand the complexity of Pennsylvania’s personal injury laws and the challenge of proving negligence, and we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

In February 2005, the doctor was in the operating room reviewing a patient’s chart when he was struck by the bed.  The physician is a diabetic and the trauma he suffered from the broken leg led to an infection, and as a result, his right leg had to be amputated above the knee.  The amputation made it impossible for him to continue to perform surgery.

The doctor claimed the trauma from the bed hitting his leg was directly responsible for the infection and subsequent amputation.

The Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys law firm has years of experience in personal injury claims.  If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of the carelessness or negligence of another, call our office today for a free assessment of your case.

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