Lawsuit Settled in HS Football Player’s Death

A 2006 lawsuit filed by the parents of a Henderson County, KY high school football player who died during practice has finally been settled.  Although the terms of the settlement are sealed, both parties said they were glad to put the dispute behind them.

The lawsuit claimed negligence against several school personnel and a doctor, but the suit dragged on while the companies continued to argue over which one bore the most responsibility, according to

The 16-year-old football player died during practice on a hot, humid day in July.  The defendants claimed the teen died due to an underlying cardiac condition.

The father said his son’s death had played a part in changes to state law and athletic regulations that deal with heat.  While he said the settlement was a “bitter pill to swallow,” he also said that without filing the suit they would not have gotten the details surrounding their son’s death.

If you have been injured or a loved one died in a personal injury accident that was caused by another person’s carelessness or recklessness, you may be able to recover damages that include medical costs, property loss, lost wages, and pain and suffering.  Please call Munley Law for a free assessment of your case or use our free online case evaluation.



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