What Is the Average Time for a Car Accident Settlement?

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How Long Does a Car Accident Settlement Take?

car accident truck accidentAfter a car crash, you want to put it behind you, including the settlement. You may be asking “What is the average time for a car accident settlement?” However, every car accident is different, which is why there is no average time for a car accident settlement. Especially when you’re waiting for an company to pay up.

The timeline for an auto accident settlement process depends on the facts of the case, the insurance companies included, and the severity of your injuries.

Typically, the settlement process can take weeks to months, and in some severe cases, years.  Don’t go it alone. A car accident attorney can help you through the process.

Remember, a settlement and a lawsuit are two different things. A fair settlement is reached before a court case or even during one. Oftentimes, a settlement will not go into a lawsuit, if the victim secures legal guidance right away.

First Steps in a Car Crash Settlement

When you begin the car accident settlement process, you need to get a car crash lawyer on your side who can help you from day one understand the value of your . Not only can your lawyer help you prepare you to speak with the insurance company, but they can obtain the details of your case and fight for your rights.

The first thing you should do after a car accident and to start the settlement process is to seek medical care. Not only is this important for your own safety, but for insurance purposes. You’ll need to submit your medical bills to the insurance company so they can understand the severity of your injuries.

Teenager that had a car accident speaking on the phone with his lawyerIn many cases, you’ll be offered a settlement from the insurance company at this point. However, don’t accept right away. Instead, let your lawyer negotiate on your behalf for better compensation.

Insurance disputes are often complex. Oftentimes, the insurance adjuster try to manipulate you into thinking you don’t deserve compensation, leaving you feeling confused and hopeless. However, your car accident lawyer can fight on your behalf for the financial compensation you deserve, including property damage and thinking of things like future medical care.

Remember, there is no set time for a car crash settlement; it could take weeks, months or even years depending on the complexity of the case. Knowing you have a car accident lawyer by your side to handle the tough conversations can only you.

Factors That Lengthen the Settlement Process

Some settlements only take weeks while others can last for months and even years. The following factors may ultimately change the timeline of your car crash settlement case.

Who Is At Fault: Liability

Who is at in an automobile accident is the first step in insurance claims. However, establishing is sometimes more difficult than one realizes. In some cases, both parties may share in the fault, specifically in things like a multi-vehicle accident; in other situations like a fender-bender, fault may be more apparent.

In states like Pennsylvania where modified comparative negligence is at play, the percentage of fault you hold can change the number of you may be rewarded.

Eyewitness Testimony

When you have eyewitness testimony from your accident, this can help move the case forward and speed up the average time for a settlement. This is especially true if everyone’s stories match up. However, depending on how many eyewitness accounts there are, it may take months before you can get to everyone’s testimony..

Recovery for Your Injuries

Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may be amassing medical bills for months that have not yet even been determined. It is only when you have fully recovered, and/or chronic medical conditions have been diagnosed, that you will know what your medical expenses are, and what your future medical needs will be.

Further, once you have recovered, you will be able to compensation for lost income, specifically if you have had to go without working for months, or are unable to return to work.

Insurance Won’t Settle 

We know that insurance adjusters and insurance companies make money off of not giving policyholders the compensation they deserve in settlements. Because of this, when you have a large claim, the insurance will be sure to wait as long as possible to settle.

You can expect the insurance companies to try to dig up anything against you to minimize the value of your claim. Not only this, but they can hold off on paying out until they feel as though they have investigated all possible options.

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Fights For Auto Accident Victims

Entrance to Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys officeIf you’re asking yourself, “What is the average time for a car accident settlement?” the answer is complicated. There is no average time for a car accident settlement process, it could take a few months or even years. And there is no value in just an average car accident lawyer. When you need legal representation for a car accident case, go with an experienced car accident lawyer at Munley Law. An expert personal injury lawyer will fight for your rights in and out of the courtroom to ensure your car accident settlement is fair and appropriate to the losses you incurred.

Contact a car accident attorney at Munley Law for a free case evaluation. We will get you the maximum compensation and the justice you deserve.

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