Pittsburgh Lyft Accident Lawyer

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Pittsburgh Lyft Accident Lawyer Munley Law

For nearly a decade, Lyft has been a part of daily life for many Americans. It offers a way for people who can’t drive to get where they need to go, a means of getting home safely after a night of drinking, and much more. In 2022, it’s difficult to remember life before rideshare services such as Lyft, as these services have all but transformed the way we move through the world. But for all of its benefits, traveling with Lyft also poses certain dangers. Any time a vehicle enters the road, there is the possibility of a life changing accident, and the situation becomes far more complex when a powerful company such as Lyft is involved.

If you or a loved one has been in a Pittsburgh rideshare accident, you may be overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed. How can you go up against a huge corporation in order to seek the justice you so deserve? What kinds of compensation are you even eligible to receive? With the help of an experienced Munley Lyft accident attorney, all these questions and more can be answered. We are here to fight on your behalf and ensure you receive the compensation you most certainly deserve. Contact us today for a free initial consultation and learn how we can protect your interests.

The reality of rideshare accidents 

Accidents are, of course, a reality of the road. In 2019, Pittsburgh saw 24 fatalities as a result of car accidents; on average, 286 reportable traffic crashes occur every day across Pennsylvania. But research shows that the rate of Lyft accidents is higher than the average, and that the existence of Lyft has actually increased the rate of accidents. The MIT Technology Review performed a study in which they looked at the rate of accidents in a particular city before Uber and Lyft launched there, and compared them to the rates after these services launched in that area. The study purports that the advent of Uber and Lyft increased the rate of accidents across the US by 2 to 3 percent since 2011.

Part of this may be due to the fact that with Lyft in play, drivers are simply spending more time on the road, which inherently increases the likelihood of an accident. In regards to Lyft, a phenomenon known as “deadheading” refers to the amount of time a driver spends driving around simply searching for their next passenger. This MIT study shows that drivers spend 40% to 60% of their time “deadheading”. It makes sense that with so many drivers circling aimlessly as they await a new passenger assignment, more accidents would occur.

Determining Liability in a Pittsburgh Lyft Accident

There are several parties that may potentially be liable when a Lyft accident occurs. In some cases, multiple of these parties may share some degree of fault and . Liable parties can include:

  • The Uber or Lyft driver
  • Another driver
  • Pedestrians or cyclists
  • Government agencies( for instance, the agency responsible for maintaining roadways may be liable if the accident occurred due to poor road maintenance)
  • Companies responsible for defective products
  • Employers of negligent third parties

Depending on the specifics of your accident, you may be able to recover compensation from any of these parties, as well as from the provider of the Lyft driver or another driver.

As mentioned above, it’s possible for multiple parties to share varying degrees of fault for an accident. For instance, imagine that a pedestrian darts across a busy road where there is no crosswalk, and because the Lyft driver is distracted and sending a text, they notice the pedestrian too late to come to a full stop and end up colliding with them. In this case, both the pedestrian and the Uber or Lyft driver made poor and reckless decisions, both of which contributed to the accident occurring. If you were a passenger in this Lyft, you may be eligible to receive compensation from both the pedestrian and the distracted driver.

Common Causes of Lyft Accidents in Pittsburgh

As with all car accidents and collisions, there are many, many ways that Lyft accidents can occur. However, some of the most common causes include:

  • Distracted drivingPittsburgh Lyft Accident Lawyer Munley Law: Distracted driving is an issue for all drivers across the board, but it’s an even more heightened risk for Lyft drivers. You may have seen your Lyft driver constantly glancing at their phone and the Lyft app in order to confirm all the information they need to get you to their information. This constant distraction can be a problem.
  • Navigating unfamiliar roads and areas: Lyft drivers often take passengers to locations and areas they themselves are unfamiliar with, which means they may be relying heavily on the map and navigation system, causing their eyes to leave the road.
  • Speeding: Lyft drivers may speed in order to fit in as many trips as possible, or in order to ensure a higher tip and rating by getting their passenger to their destination quickly. But speeding always increases the risk of an accident.
  • Driver fatigue: Lyft generally allows drivers to drive for 12 hours before they are required to take a 6 hour break. But a 12 hour stretch of driving followed by only 6 hours off may not be enough to ensure that a driver is properly rested before returning to the job, and 12 hours is an extremely long time to stay behind the wheel. A driver who is fatigued is always more likely to experience or cause an accident.
  • Bad weather: Most drivers are more susceptible to accidents when navigating roads in inclement weather. If a driver is already on unfamiliar roads, or constantly looking at an app for directions, it can make it even riskier.

  • Rideshare vehicle maintenance issues: Accidents can be caused by poor vehicle maintenance, leading to brake system failure or other issues.

What To Do Immediately After a Pittsburgh Lyft Accident 

After any accident, your first priority should be your own health and safety. Give yourself a onceover to see if you have any visible injuries, and stay attuned to any places in your body that feel painful. Remember that not every injury is visible or apparent right after an accident. Sometimes the adrenaline rush that comes from experiencing a collision can hide pain, and injuries like whiplash may take several hours to become noticeable. If you need to, seek medical care.

Pittsburgh Lyft Accident Lawyer Munley Law

If you are physically able, you should call the police immediately after the accident. Sometimes, drivers involved will try to persuade you not to contact law enforcement — the Lyft driver may be concerned about their employment status, for example. But don’t let anyone pressure you into not calling the police. This is an important step, as once there, they will draft an official report of the accident that can be extremely useful later on.

It can also be useful for you to have your own documentation of the scene, including things like photographs of where the vehicles are situated, photographs of any visible injuries, and more. You can talk to witnesses in the area as well and see if they’d be willing to provide you with their information so that you can stay in touch should the need arise.

Once you have left the scene, you should contact both the rideshare company and your own insurance company, if you have automobile insurance. Lyft may push back on being cooperative if you wait too long to report your accident to them, so it’s best to move quickly.

You should hire an experienced Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Lyft accident attorney as soon as possible after your accident. Having a lawyer on board from the very beginning ensures that you’re not shortchanged or taken advantage of by a powerful corporation. Your lawyer will fight tirelessly to ensure you get all the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Recovering your losses after a Pittsburgh Lyft Accident

After an accident, your first step is most likely to seek compensation via insurance coverage. But where you begin in terms of recovering compensation after a Lyft accident depends greatly on a few factors, such as where the accident occurred and who caused it.

PA is a “no-fault” state

Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. This means that each driver is required to carry insurance that will pay out for their own medical coverage in the wake of an accident. In fault-based states, in comparison, the at fault party’s insurance company pays out to the victim. So if you are injured as a passenger in a Lyft accident in Pittsburgh, your own insurance provider may pay for your medical expenses, up to the limits of your coverage. However, if you do not have insurance, or if you are underinsured, you would likely be covered under the driver’s insurance company.

In no-fault states such as Pennsylvania, there are some limitations on your ability to seek compensation via a personal injury suit.  Your injuries must meet a certain standard of severity and be dubbed a “serious injury” in order to make you eligible for filing a personal injury suit against the at-fault party, whether that be your Lyft driver, the other driver, or a third party. The state defines serious injury as “personal injury resulting in death, serious impairment of body function or permanent serious disfigurement.”

As you may be able to tell here, it’s less about the specifics of the injury and more about how that injury impacts a person’s bodily function; in other words, in order to be considered “serious”, the injury or injuries must substantially impact a person’s ability to perform their daily life for an extended period of time. If you meet this threshold, you may choose to seek compensation via filing a personal injury suit. This is often a wise course of action because in the case of a severe injury, the compensation you can receive through insurance may not be enough to sufficiently meet your needs.

Talk to your Munley Lyft accident lawyer to determine your best course of action and get started on your case.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How long do I have to file my personal injury claim after a Lyft accident?

A: Most states have a on filing a personal injury suit of any kind.

This means, in essence, that you have a specific amount of time after the accident or incident in which you can file a suit. Once that period of time lapses, you forfeit your right to sue any parties involved for this specific incident.

In Pittsburgh (and the state of Pennsylvania as a whole) the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury suit after a Lyft accident is two years. The two year clock begins at the time of the accident.

However, if you and your attorney decide that filing a personal injury suit does seem like a wise course of action for you, it’s best to act quickly. It may take some time to gather the necessary evidence, file all the paperwork, and more.

Talk to a Munley Lyft accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident so you can begin building your case.

What should I do immediately following my Lyft accident?

  • Call emergency services: If you are physically able, you should call the police immediately after the accident. Sometimes, drivers involved will try to persuade you not to contact law enforcement — the Lyft driver may be concerned about their employment status, for example. But don’t let anyone pressure you into not calling the police. This is an important step, as once there, they will draft an official report of the accident that can be extremely useful later on.Pittsburgh Lyft Accident Lawyer Munley Law
  • Photograph the scene and : It can also be useful for you to have your own documentation of the scene, including things like photographs of where the vehicles are situated, photographs of any visible injuries, and more. You can talk to witnesses in the area as well and see if they’d be willing to provide you with their information so that you can stay in touch should the need arise.
  • Make your phone calls: Once you have left the scene, you should contact both the rideshare company and your own insurance company, if you have automobile insurance. Lyft may push back on being cooperative if you wait too long to report your accident to them, so it’s best to move quickly.
  • Hire an experienced Pittsburgh Lyft accident lawyer: You should hire an experienced Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Lyft accident attorney as soon as possible after your accident. Having a lawyer on board from the very beginning ensures that you’re not shortchanged or taken advantage of by a powerful corporation. Your lawyer will fight tirelessly to ensure you get all the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Recovering damages following a Lyft-driver caused accident

If you have been involved in an accident with a rideshare driver, you may be entitled to financial compensation for economic and non-economic losses caused by the accident such as:

  • Repairs to your vehicle or a vehicle replacement
  • Compensation for any of income due to the accident such as lost time at work for injury, pain or doctors’ visits
  • Direct medical costs related to injury caused by the accident
  • resulting from the accident
  • Loss of or damage to property as a result of the accident
  • Other expenses that are related to the accident such as
  • Cost of mental health treatment
  • Cost of physical therapy following an injury related to the accident
  • Cost of rental vehicles or other transportation costs due to loss or damage of your primary vehicle in the accident

To discover what compensation you may be entitled to, contact the experts at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys for a free consultation.

What compensation might I be entitled to following a Lyft accident?

Damages in rideshare driver-related cases may be both economic and non-

Economic damages: 

  • These are objective, quantifiable damages suffered by Lyft accident victims and can include lost wages from missing work due to injury or doctor visits and subsequent medical bills.

Non-economic damages:

Non-economic damages means anything that cannot be quantified by money or numbers in Lyft accident claims. These damages can be more difficult to prove. Having a qualified and experienced Pittsburgh Lyft accident lawyer on your side will help you understand non-economic damages such as:

  • Emotional distress also known as mental anguish– This is legally defined as “a highly unpleasant emotional reaction (as anguish, humiliation, or fury) which results from another’s conduct and for which damages may be sought.”
  • Pain and suffering– This can include physical and mental pain
  • Lost or diminished earning capacity– This can be any decrease in income as a result of an injury that affects your ability to continue doing your current job or robs you of career prospects for the future. If you have sustained an injury as a result of an accident caused by a Lyft driver, you may experience diminished earning capacity
  • Permanent damages – These are any damages which indefinitely restrict you or your loved one’s employment or other normal activities. In a lawsuit to recover damages caused by the or intentional wrongful act of another such as a driver working for a rideshare company, a permanent injury can be a major element in the award of damages
  • Disabilities– Any damage caused by your car accident in or involving a Lyft vehicle that substantially reduces your capacity to engage in one or more major life activities of anyone such as Lyft accident victims
  • Psychological or psychiatric harm– This is defined as a psychological or psychiatric condition that developed as a result of a traumatic event. The condition is severe enough that it impacts your ability to perform routine life or work tasks

What are the different types of Lyft accidents ?

A: There are a few different common types of accidents involving a Lyft driver:

  • Injury to a person who is a passenger in a Lyft
  • A pedestrian hit by a Lyft vehicle
  • A bicyclist hit by a Lyft vehicle
  • A motocyclist hit by a Lyft vehicle
  • Another motorist involved in a two-car accident with a Lyft driver or other rideshare driver

How are rideshare accidents different than other car accidents?

Lyft accidents are treated differently than an accident with a normal vehicle or traditional commercial vehicle. Most Pennsylvania rideshare companies, including Lyft, have $1 million in liability insurance for their drivers. In most cases, this policy covers the driver as long as they are: Pittsburgh Lyft Accident Lawyer Munley Law

  • Taking a rider on a trip when the accident occurs
  • Waiting to accept a ride in the app
  • On the way to pick up a rider

Therefore, as a passenger, any injuries you sustain in a rideshare accident will likely be covered by Lyft’s insurance policy. But often, Lyft still chooses to fight the and denies liability. This can occur even if the driver is at fault and on duty when the accident occurs.

Rideshare companies help millions of Pennsylvanians get to work, restaurants, doctors’ appointments and more. They are a constant presence on our roads, at airports, bars and stadiums. However, when rideshare drivers cause an accident, it can be more difficult for injured victims to receive damages than they would think.

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys has more than 60 years of experience fighting for the rights of accident victims.
The experienced rideshare accident attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys handle car accident injury cases of all sizes. We have won hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for our clients.

Your Munley attorney will fight for you to get compensation for lost wages, doctors’ visits and other medical bills, and pain and suffering. Call us for your free case evaluation.

Q: Why Choose a Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Pittsburgh Lyft Accident Lawyer?

A: If you or a loved one has been harmed in a Lyft accident in Pittsburgh, you may be entitled to compensation. But in the aftermath of an accident, when you’re overwhelmed and just trying to figure out how to get back to your life, it can feel impossible to know where to begin. That’s where Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys comes in. Let an Uber or Lyft accident lawyer do the heavy lifting so that you can focus on recovery.

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we have more than six decades of experience fighting for victims’ rights in Uber and Lyft accidents. Medical care after an accident alone can be extremely expensive, alongside other costs like property damage, lost wages, and more.

As an injured party, you should not have to bear that financial burden. Let us fight to protect your interests. We can help you at every step along the way, from guiding you through the insurance process to filing a personal injury claim in Pittsburgh, PA. We can even protect you in court if necessary. If you were in an accident involving a Lyft driver, Uber driver or other rideshare driver, you want to talk to an experienced Pittsburgh Lyft accident lawyer.

We are on your side, and we are ready and waiting to hear from you. Contact us today for a free initial case evaluation. And remember, you don’t pay unless we win.

When and How to File a Personal Injury Suit After a Lyft Accident 

Most states have a statute of limitations on filing a personal injury suit of any kind. This means, in essence, that you have a specific amount of time after the accident or incident in which you can file a suit. Once that period of time lapses, you forfeit your right to sue any parties involved for this specific incident.

In Pittsburgh (and the state of Pennsylvania as a whole) the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury suit after a Lyft accident is two years. The two year clock begins at the time of the accident. However, if you and your attorney decide that filing a personal injury suit does seem like a wise course of action for you, it’s best to act quickly. It may take some time to gather the necessary evidence, file all the paperwork, and more. Talk to your Munley Lyft accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident so you can begin building your case.

Why Choose a Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Pittsburgh Lyft Accident Lawyer?

Pittsburgh Lyft Accident Lawyer Munley LawIf you or a loved one has been harmed in a Lyft accident in Pittsburgh, you may be entitled to compensation. But in the aftermath of an accident, when you’re overwhelmed and just trying to figure out how to get back to your life, it can feel impossible to know where to begin. That’s where Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys comes in. Let an Uber or Lyft accident lawyer do the heavy lifting so that you can focus on recovery.

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we have decades of experience fighting for victims’ rights in Uber and Lyft accidents. Medical care after an accident alone can be extremely expensive, alongside other costs like property damage, lost wages, and more. As a victim, you should not have to bear that financial burden. Let us fight to protect your interests; we can help you at every step along the way, from guiding you through the insurance process to filing a personal injury claim in Pittsburgh, PA. We can even protect you in court if necessary.

We are on your side, and we are ready and waiting to hear from you. Contact us today for a free initial case evaluation. Remember, you don’t pay our accident lawyer your case unless we win.

Personal Injury Claims We Handle in Pittsburgh, PA:

Do I Have A Case?

If you think you may have a personal injury case, contact us now for a FREE consultation.

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