Car Accident Round-Up — Seven Injured In 3-Car Wreck In South Carolina

Car accidents around the country

WCSC TV in Charleston, South Carolina reports a 1995 Nissan with five passengers hit a 2006 Nissan which was waiting for another car to turn left, shortly before 6 p.m. in Moncks Corner on U.S. 17 near Old Gilliard Road Wednesday night. The 2006 Nissan then hit a Ford large passenger van which had stopped in front of it. Seven people, most of them teenagers, were taken to hospital, but none had life-threatening injuries.

“Coughing Fit” Causes Power Outage In Tallahassee

Fallschase shopping plaza suffered a power blackout this week when a driver lost control of his car and tore through some power lines, reports WCTV in Tallahassee. According to the report, the driver of the Lincoln Navigator, he had a coughing fit and ran off Buck Lake Road and flipped onto the service road for the shopping plaza. Power was restored in about an hour and the driver suffered only nicks and bruises.

One Dead, One Critical Following One Car Crash In New Jersey reports a 24-year-old woman is dead and her 22-year-old passenger is in critical condition after she lost control of her 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe, went off the road and crashed into a tree on Route 3 in Clifton. The driver was pronounced dead at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center and the passenger was flown to the University Hospital in Newark. Eastbound Route 3 between Route 46 and Grove Street was closed for several hours as the crash was investigated.

Rollover Car Crashes Into Illinois School

Willow Grove Elementary School in Buffalo Grove, Ill. was damaged this week when a vehicle left the roadway around 1 a.m. and crashed into it according to The car rolled over and landed on its side against the school’s office in the 700 block of Checker Drive. The school was expected to open on schedule.

Seven-Year-Old Killed In Car Crash In Texas

A seven-year-old El Paso boy died following an accident on Saturday when the car in which he was riding was struck by another vehicle, reports ABC 7. The boy was in a Dodge Neon which was attempting to make a left hand turn when it was hit by Jeep driven by a 55-year-old man. Another passenger in the Neon is in critical condition. The other two passengers and the driver of the Jeep all had non-life threatening injuries.

Contact Our PA Car Accident Lawyers Today!

If you have been injured or a loved one killed in a that was caused by another person’s carelessness or recklessness, you may be able to recover that include medical costs, property , lost wages, and . Please call Munley, Munley & Cartwright’s lawyers at 1-800-318-LAW1 for a free assessment of your case or use our Free Online Accident Case Evaluation.

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