“What Should I Do If I Get Hit By a Car While Walking?”
In effort to live healthier lives, many people are opting to institute activities, such as walking, running, and jogging into their daily fitness routines. It’s an easily accessible form of exercise, as it can be done just about anywhere—from your neighborhood cul-de-sac to your local park to the bustling streets of your city. But getting around on foot can open pedestrians up to traffic risks.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Traffic Safety Facts report, there were 4,743 pedestrian fatalities and 76,000 pedestrian injuries involving motor vehicles in 2012. The same report states that those stats equal out to about one death every two hours and one injury every seven minutes. Of course, there are plenty of things you can do to ensure your safety while traversing your town on foot:
1) Use designated crosswalks. If the intersection has a walk/don’t walk sign, […]
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Tips to Avoid Car Accidents for the Fourth of July Weekend
Besides an abundance of national pride, barbecues, and fireworks, July Fourth weekend also sees a rise in travelers on the road. With this, comes a surge in road traffic and car accidents.
In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Fourth of July weekend is either the deadliest day for drivers or the second-deadliest day, based on data collected for more than 20 years. While weather conditions aren’t much of a factor during the summer months, driving under the influence of alcohol is—and when it comes to Independence Day weekend, it’s the main contributor to these traffic fatalities. “During the 2012 July 4th weekend, in fatal accidents between 9 p.m. and midnight, 59% of the drivers were drunk,” reports the NHTSA. Their research goes on to state that 40 percent of all highway deaths between 2007 and 2011 were caused by drunk driving over this holiday weekend; […]
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Tagged Drunk Driving
“What Do I Do if I Get Hit by a Car on My Bike?”
Whether you live in a small town or you reside in a more urban setting, chances are, now that summer is in full-swing, you’ll be breaking out the bike regularly to go for a ride around your way. Not only is bicycling great exercise, it also provides you with a chance to escape the confines of your office or your home and hit the open road, welcoming the feeling of a comforting, warm breeze at your back.
As with any form of transportation, though, there can be some risk involved. Since only two percent of all automobile deaths and only two percent of all injured parties from automobile crashes are cyclists, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, biking is generally safe. You can proactively help avoid an accident by signaling your turns, wearing reflective clothing, obeying traffic rules, […]
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Tagged Claim Fault Insurance Pain and Suffering Parties
Car accidents common over holiday weekend
The 4th of July may be known for fireworks, picnics and outdoor fun, but things can quickly turn tragic on the 4th of July as well, as it is one of the most deadly holidays of the year on U.S. roadways.
AAA Mid-Atlantic estimates that nearly 1.5 million Pennsylvania residents will be traveling by vehicle over the three day 4th of July holiday weekend. This is 35% more travelers than during Memorial Day weekend.
According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), an average of 150 people die in traffic accidents on July 4, more than any other day of the year. July 3 follows with nearly as many traffic fatalities.
According to a study from the National Highway Transportation Safety Association (NHTSA), during the 4th of July holiday period over the five years from 2008 to 2012, […]
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The Dangers of Driving Drowsy
Driving impaired doesn’t have to mean driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It can also mean driving while drowsy—a practice that leads to more than 100,000 crashes each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Of this total, 40,000 injuries and 1,500 deaths are reported. In fact, a study showed that driving while being awake for 18 hours was the same as driving with a blood alcohol level of .05. Driving after being awake for 24 hours was equal to a blood alcohol level of .10—a level of .08 is legally drunk.
As with drunk driving, sleep-deprived driving also inhibits a person’s reaction time, judgment, and vision; causes problems with information processing and short-term memory; decreases awareness, and increases aggressiveness.
Unfortunately, in the commercial truck driving culture, getting behind the wheel, […]
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Tagged Claim Drowsy Driving Drunk Driving Judgment