Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyer Reports on the Hazardous Combination of Drinking and Driving
Every day we read and watch more news reports of drunk driving accidents, many involving children in the vehicle, and a high percentage resulting in fatalities. Any crash involving a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher is considered to be an alcohol-impaired driving crash. According to a recently released report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Impaired, there were 10,322 fatalities in alcohol-impaired crashes in 2012. 28 people die every day in America as a result of these crashes. NHTSA also reported that car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens, and about a quarter involve an underage drinker.
The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD), reported that an estimated 32% of fatal car crashes involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian. Alcohol affects attentiveness and one’s ability to make quick decisions on the road, […]
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Tagged Drunk Driving
Dan Munley, Scranton Injury Lawyer, Explains Why The Roads Can Be Dangerous the Day After Bad Weather
During the winter months in Pennsylvania everyone knows that bad weather can create hazardous road conditions, which lead to car accidents.
But snow and ice can even create dangerous conditions for motorists long after the snow has been cleared from the roads. After the streets have been plowed and the walkways shoveled, ice and snow may still be present on the rooftops of vehicles. This build-up of snow and ice may dislodge while the car is being driven, and cause serious injury to others. This danger is increased when the vehicle is a tractor trailer that can hurl ice from its roof at dangerously high speeds while driving on the highway.
As a personal injury lawyer at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys of Scranton, Pennsylvania, I have handled cases where tractor trailer drivers and other motorists forget to remove snow and ice from their vehicles before taking to the road, […]
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The REAL WAY Most Bus Accident Cases Are Settled by Personal Injury Lawyers in Pennsylvania
Not all Bus Accident Cases are settled in Pennsylvania – what are some factors that lead to a case being settled? Personal injury lawyer explains:
- What percentage of bus accident cases do Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers manage to settle?
- What are some factors that lead to a case settling?
- What kind of money will Personal Injury Lawyers in Pennsylvania charge to represent you in a bus accident case?
What percentage of bus accident cases do Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers settle?
Some bus accident cases are settled by Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers before trial, some are settled at trial, and some are never settled. Your settlement amount and the chances of the case settling at all are determined by a huge amount of factors. […]
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Most People Will Be Surprised to Hear How Much Money Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers Can Get For a Bus Crash Settlement
Bus Accident Cases are complicated in Pennsylvania – there are many damages you could potentially sue for. Personal injury lawyer explains:
- What damages could you sue for?
- What percentage of bus accident cases do Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers settle?
- What kinds of fees do Personal Injury Lawyers in Pennsylvania charge and when are these fees imposed?
What kinds of damages can Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers recover after your bus crash?
After you or a loved one gets into an accident with a bus or while riding on one, you may be wondering what kinds of damages you could get reimbursed for if your Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers are able to settle your lawsuit for you. […]
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Tagged Damages Insurance Loss Pain and Suffering Parties Wrongful Death
Who Can Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers Sue After a Bus Crash? The Answer May Surprise You
After a Pennsylvania Bus Accident, there are more possible parties that could be sued than you may think. Personal injury lawyer explains:
- What parties could be responsible?
- How does the number of parties involved in a lawsuit affect how much settlement money your Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers could get for you?
- Do Personal Injury Lawyers in Pennsylvania charge you any initial fees?
Who can Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers sue after your bus crash?
After you or a loved one gets into an accident with a bus, or while riding in one, there are a number of possible parties that could be held responsible in your lawsuit.
Here’s a list of possible parties that Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers could sue:
- The Owner of the Bus: Potential owners of the bus that Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers could pursue in your lawsuit include; […]
Posted in Car Accidents.