Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Compensation Specific Loss Benefits

Workers’ compensation is a vital safety net for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. In Pennsylvania, this system ensures that injured workers receive financial support and medical care without needing to prove .

Among the various types of workers comp benefits, there is a special type of called “specific benefits.” These benefits address severe, permanent injuries.

Understanding Specific Loss Benefits in Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation

Workers compensation specific loss benefits are a category of workers’ compensation benefits designed to compensate for permanent injuries that result in the loss of a body part or the loss of use of a body part, including those due to injury, occupational disease, repetitive stress, amputation, or permanent disfigurement.

Unlike general disability benefits, which compensate for lost wages, specific loss benefits are paid through your employer’s workers’ […]

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Workers’ Compensation Third-Party Claims in Pennsylvania

When workers get hurt at work or become sick due to working conditions, Pennsylvania has a legal safety net that ensures they are financially protected while recovering from their injuries. This safety net usually comes in the form of workers’ compensation , which almost all employers are legally required to carry for their employees, starting on their first day of employment. Most people are familiar with this concept of filing a when injured on the job. However, what happens when someone other than your employer is responsible for your injury?

A third-party claim is a personal injury claim you can file if you were hurt on the job, but an outside party is responsible for your injury. This claim allows injured workers to sue the at- party for pain and suffering. Learn more about a third-party claim and how to file one after a workplace accident. […]

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What to Do If You Suffer Heat Stroke in the Workplace

heat stroke in the workplace

As the temperatures continue to arise throughout the United States, so does the increase in heat related illnesses among workers that work outside for a living. Heat stroke is a severe heat-related illness that can occur when the body’s temperature regulation fails and body temperature rises to critical levels. It’s a condition that can strike swiftly, leading to devastating health consequences. Workers, particularly those in high-heat environments, need to be aware of the risks and symptoms of heat stroke to protect their health and well-being.

Understanding workers’ compensation after suffering a heat stroke while on the job is important, especially for those in Pennsylvania. If you suffer from a heat illness while on the job, you may be entitled to benefits under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act. This law provides medical expenses and wage compensation to employees who become injured or ill as a result of their work. […]

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Is Workers’ Compensation for Independent Contractors Available?

When you are an independent contractor you have more flexibility and the potential to earn more than workers who make a straight salary working for a single employer. And while there are obvious benefits, you know from experience that with the flexibility and extra earning capacity that comes with working for yourself, there are added anxieties and responsibilities.

When you work for yourself, you have a lot of freedom but also a lot to think about, prepare for and worry about.

When you work for yourself and you sustain a work-related injury or illness, you may wonder how you can afford your medical bills or how you’ll get paid for missed time from work. Fortunately, if you have Pennsylvania workers’ compensation , those benefits can provide necessary financial support while you recover.

A workers' compensation lawyer working at her computer

Independent contractors work in every US business sector

According to an article by Business New Daily, […]

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What Should I Do After Getting Injured While on the Job?

Pennsylvania Workplace Injury Lawyers

If you’ve been injured on the job, you’re likely wondering what to do next. If you are considering filing a workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania, call the workers’ compensation lawyers at Munley Law today to schedule a free consultation. Our experienced team of professionals can help guide you through the workers’ compensation process. With Munley Law, you can rest assured that your case is in good hands.

Pennsylvania workers' compensation lawyers discussing a case

What Should I Do After Being Injured on the Job?

If you’ve been injured in the workplace and don’t know what to do next, you should take the following five steps in recovering from your injury, recovering compensation, and protecting your rights:

Step 1: Report Your Injury and Seek Medical Care

Reporting your injury to your employer is the first step in a successful workers’ […]

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