PA COVID-19 Update

As of April 15, the PA Department of Health reported 26,490 PA residents infected with coronavirus. Of those who tested positive, 51% were aged 50 or older, 40% were aged 25-49, 6% were aged 19-24 and the remainder were under 18. 647 people died from coronavirus or related complications.

The most serious cases remain amongst the older population.  More than half of the total numbers of hospitalizations to date are of people aged 65 or older. Residents of nursing homes account for 13% of the total cases.

Cases have been reported in all 67 counties in PA. The counties of Philadelphia, Montgomery, Delaware, Lehigh, and Luzerne have the greatest number of cases.  All of PA remains under a stay home order through April 30. While freedom of travel remains, residents are urged to minimize non-essential travel and to limit grocery shopping to weekly. Schools remain closed until further notice.  

For a list of testing sites near you, click here or call 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258)

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