
What is a Claim?

A claim is a legal action concerning physical or mental harm suffered by the plaintiff due to the defendant’s negligence. In the case of insurance claims, it is a request made by the insured to the insurance company for coverage and compensation for damage or injury. A claim is sometimes also referred to as a Cause of Action.

Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute defines a claim as, “a set of operative facts creating a right enforceable in court.” Making a claim is how the process of a plaintiff filing a lawsuit and eventually receiving damages from a defendant begins. A claim must be present in order for a lawsuit to go forward. If one is not present in a specific instance, then that lawsuit will be dismissed. Examples of types of claims include claims to insurance companies, personal injury claims in cases of negligence, claims on breaches of contract, property claims, and employment claims such as unpaid wages, wrongful termination, or discrimination. A defendant may make a counterclaim against the claim of a plaintiff.

Claims can sometimes be dismissed even if there is an intent to file a lawsuit. Rulings in cases such as  Ashcroft v. IQBAL and Bell Atlantic v. Twombly have determined that claims need to contain important information. They must be plausible on their own and establish a likelihood of liability. This is how claims can lead to fair compensation, resolution of disputes, and protection of rights.

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What Are the Long-Term Effects of a Brain Injury?

How Serious is a Brain Injury?

One of the most serious potential repercussions from a car accident or other traumatic incident is a brain injury. Anytime a person’s head suffers a sharp blow or a violent jolt to the head, they run the risk of developing a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Since these injuries are internal, they are not as obvious or as easy to diagnose as an injury to the body, such as a laceration or broken bone. However, brain injuries can cause lasting damage that can take months or even years to heal–or cause permanent impairment that affects a person’s cognition, emotions, and behavior for their entire lives.

It is important to understand the long-term symptoms and effects of traumatic brain injuries, so that those who suffer from them can get proper treatment, as well as fair compensation from the party responsible for the accident. […]

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Is Pennsylvania an At-Fault State?

Who Will Pay My Insurance Claim After a Car Accident in Pennsylvania?

All car accidents are, without a doubt, stressful experiences. Even once the initial shock has warn off, you still have so much to consider, including your physical, mental, and emotional recovery. There may be medical expenses and medical bills, property damage, and more. A car accident is not something anyone wants to endure.

Navigating the process can be one of the most overwhelming parts of any car accident case. If you’ve never gone through the claims process before, it can be confusing; and even if you have, no two cases are alike. It’s not uncommon to start getting calls from the insurance company just a day after an accident.

One of the things that can make understanding the claims process so difficult is that it’s incredibly different from state to state. […]

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Can a Car Accident Claim be Reopened?

Can You Reopen a Past Car Accident Claim?

The aftermath of a car accident can be an immensely stressful and overwhelming time. The financial burden of medical bills and additional damages, the mental and emotional weight of trying to get back to your regular life, the physical strain of your injuries–it’s a lot. What’s more, the process of making an or a legal claim can feel wildly daunting. It’s very normal to feel confused by the process, and to want it to be settled and done as quickly as possible. No one wants to spend more time than they have to talking to the insurance company and navigating the claims process when they’re trying to heal.

But what happens if you do reach a settlement agreement and close your car accident claim, only to realize that, for whatever reason, you’d like to reopen it? […]

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How Long Does It Take to Receive a Offer of Compensation?

Does it Take a Long Time to Receive a Fair Settlement Agreement?

After an accident, you may have a million things running through your mind. At the top of the list might be how you are going to recover from your injuries, including who is going to pay for medical bills, take care of you, and more. And how long does it take to receive compensation.

To ensure you receive fair compensation in any kind of personal injury or personal injury lawsuit, you want to make sure you have an experienced injury lawyer by your side. At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, our personal injury lawyers have been fighting on behalf of victims for more than 60 years. Our team of lawyers have received settlement funds in the millions for our clients. We will use our skills to negotiate with company to ensure you receive a fair offer of compensation so you can recover from your injuries. […]

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What to Do After Getting Into an Accident With a Distracted Driver?

Take the necessary steps to ensure that that the responsible party is held accountable

Distracted driving accidents are rampant. Many people do not understand that driving on the road requires your full attention. There are a host of different scenarios that can qualify distracted driving, from texting or checking emails to doing makeup or drinking coffee. If you are a victim of a distracted driving accident, you must hire a distracted driving accident attorney that can successfully establish that the distracted driver was at and that the accident wasn’t caused by another factor beyond the driver’s control.

The Pennsylvania car accident lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys have over six decades of experience in successful compensation of distracted driving accident cases. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident with a distracted driver, […]

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