
What is a Complaint?

A complaint is, “The first or initiatory pleading on the part of the plaintiff in a civil action. It corresponds to the declaration in the common-law practice. Its purpose is to give defendant information of all material facts on which plaintiff relies to support his demand.” (Black’s Law Dictionary 356. 4th Ed. Rev. 1968). It is what formally initiates a lawsuit and outlines a plaintiff’s allegations against a defendant. 

What is a Complaint?

What is a Complaint?

Complaints are meant to be concise, clear, and factual outlines of what charges a plaintiff intends to pursue and what damages it is seeking to obtain. They are not supposed to confuse or ambush the defendant. The contents of a complaint must be understandable to both parties, and the defendant must be able to construct a proper response and defense. In addition to the strictly legal charges contained in a complaint, the plaintiff must also make factual allegations specific to the facts of the case that they are pursuing in the complaint. They serve to back up the legal claims being asserted.

If an important fact or charge is left out of the complaint, it can not be used in the plaintiff’s case. It is important for all involved parties that the contents of the complaint are accurate and understandable. Anything else is improper, and not up to legal requirements. Effective communication through a complaint is a necessity.

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How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Car Accident?

What Are the Statute of Limitations in a Car Accident?

In the days and weeks following a car accident, you are focused on a lot of distracting and important things such as medical visits, recovering from any injuries sustained in the auto accident, worrying about finances such as trying to repair vehicle damage, replacing a vehicle that was lost, lost wages from missing work for injury or doctor visits and more. Time can move faster than it seems. So you might be wondering: What are the for filing a car accident claim in Pennsylvania?

You may not know this but car accidents and personal injury lawsuits in general, follow very specific statute of limitations depending on the state you live in. The car accident lawyers Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys explains how long you have to file a personal injury lawsuit after a car accident and what steps you need to take to meet those time constraints. […]

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What Are the Steps in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

If you’ve been injured in an accident due to someone else’s , you need an experienced personal injury attorney with a successful track record to help win your case. Knowing the detailed steps to a personal injury lawsuit will keep you be well-informed about what can make proper compensation a reality. These cases can be complex, especially if the specifics of your personal injury case involve many parties, long-term medical care, or other nuances. Proving negligence will be key to your case, and your best chance in being justifiably compensated can be met by working with a personal injury lawyer.

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys has been helping accident victims for more than 60 years; we specialize in personal injury cases and our attorneys have tried thousands of personal injury lawsuits. Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys has the knowledge, the power, and the expertise to get you what you deserve. […]

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Preserving Evidence After a Truck Accident

Most people know, generally, that they have rights after an accident caused by someone else. However, knowing you have rights in the abstract is very different from being in a situation in which you have to enforce those rights. This is especially true following a truck accident, which often times cause more severe injuries and involve multiple drivers. A truck accident lawyer can help you navigate the aftermath an accident. But that lawyer will need evidence if they’re going to win.

There’s no way around it, being in an accident is scary and overwhelming. For that reason, our first thought after a truck accident is rarely “What evidence do I need to successfully recover for my injuries in a personal injury ?” It’s completely understandable; injuries after a truck accident are often traumatic, and you and your family are focused on recovery. However, […]

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How to Prove Your Truck Crash Case at Trial

Do you know what it takes to prove your truck crash case?

The nation’s #1 tractor-trailer accident lawyers explain how to win your semi-truck collision claim at trial

Kodiak Robotics self-driving truck

If there’s one thing we know at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, it’s how to win a truck crash case at trial. When it comes to personal injury law, only a small percentage of attorneys have the experience, resources, and qualifications to handle a truck accident case. Of those attorneys, only an elite few have the courtroom experience to win your truck case at trial. At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we know how to prove liability and damages in order to get you the compensation you are rightfully owed. 

Call today for a free, confidential consultation with one of the nation’s leading truck accident lawyers. 

Why bring a truck accident lawsuit to trial

According to the most recent Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration report, […]

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Can I Sue Someone Personally After a Truck Accident?

truck accident statistics truck crash lawyersAfter you’ve been in a trucking accident, you may be faced with medical debt, property damage, ongoing , and even possible funeral expenses. One way to recoup your expenses is through a truck accident lawsuit. Many people wonder: is it possible to sue someone personally after a truck accident?

The truck accident lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys can answer this question, and help you determine the best way to get the compensation you need to rebuild your life. Contact us today for a free consultation with one of the nation’s top truck accident attorneys

Because of the immense weight and size of tractor trailers and other large trucks, truck accidents often result in serious injuries and . This is especially true if the accident involves a crash between a large truck and a much smaller passenger vehicle.  […]

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