What is Distracted Driving?
Distracted Driving is when a person operates a motor vehicle while engaging in activities that divert attention from driving tasks, such as:
- Talking on a cell phone
- Using a navigation system
- Texting or emailing
- Eating
- Adjusting hair or makeup
- Using the audio system
- Texting
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “Distracted driving is any activity that…takes your attention away from the task of safe driving.” Studies have shown that texting while driving significantly increases the likelihood of a crash or near-crash event. The detrimental effects of distracted driving can range from minor fender-benders to severe accidents resulting in life-altering injuries or fatalities.
Understanding the risks associated with distracted driving and adopting safe driving practices can help mitigate its adverse impacts on road safety and overall public safety.
More information about Distracted Driving
St. Louis Cardinals player killed in car crash
Oscar Taveras, the 22-year-old outfielder for the St. Louis Cardinals, was killed in a car crash on Sunday in the Dominican Republic. Taveras, who was from the Dominican Republic, was driving a 2014 Chevrolet Camaro near his hometown of Sosua at the time of the crash. ESPN reported that Taveras lost control of the vehicle and went off the road. His 18-year-old girlfriend was also killed in the crash.
The Wall Street Journal reported that Taveras was the second active Cardinals player to die in a car crash in the past seven years. In 2007, pitcher Josh Hancock died in a crash in St. Louis.
Many other professional athletes have lost their lives in car crashes as well. In 2009, Los Angeles Angels pitcher, Nick Adenhart was killed in car accident. And several NFL players have also been killed in crashes, […]
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Many admit to distracted driving though they know it is unsafe
A Harris poll of more than 2,000 adults earlier this summer revealed that although more than nine in ten Americans believe sending and reading texts while driving is dangerous, 45% of those surveyed said they still do it. Among those surveyed with smartphones or tablets, over one-third said they use the devices to search things while driving.
Despite knowing that talking on a cell phone is also dangerous when driving, 74% of those surveyed said they do talk on their cell phones when driving. They admitted to other distracting behaviors as well, such as grooming, posting to Facebook or Twitter, and some admit having read a book or magazine or watched a video on a smartphone while driving.
USA Today reported that about 660,000 drivers in the US are using handhold cellphones while driving at any moment. This number has steadily increased since 2010, […]
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Fatal crash on I-81 claims the life of an Ontario woman
A deadly crash near the Dickson City exit of Interstate 81 in Lackawanna County claimed the life of a 58-year old woman from Ontario, Canada on Monday. The woman was in the rear passenger seat of the 2002 Pontiac Sunfire when the vehicle she was riding in struck a stone embankment after swerving off the road, according to police reports.
Although vehicle safety has improved, as well as improved safety measures on our nation’s roadways, the number of car accidents in this country is still staggering. According to a report released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), passenger vehicle occupant fatalities increased in 2012 after they declined six years in a row from 2005 to 2011. 33,561 lives were lost in crashes on our nation’s roadways in 2012 as compared to 32,479 in 2011. Pennsylvania also saw an increase in fatalities in 2012, […]
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Cost of car crashes shows importance of safety measures
According to a new study released by the U.S. Department of Transportations National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the price tag of car crashes comes at a heavy burden for Americans at $871 billion in economic loss and societal harm. This includes $277 billion in economic costs, nearly $900 for each person living in the U.S., and $594 billion in harm from loss of life and the pain and decreased quality of life due to injuries.
The study was based on 2010 statistics, which included a staggering 32,999 motor vehicle crash fatalities, 3.9 million non-fatal injuries, and 24 million damaged vehicles. We all know that no amount of money can replace the loss of a loved one or the pain and suffering when you are critically injured in a car crash. These figures show us the importance of a greater investment in vehicle safety, […]
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Memorial Day starts the 100 deadliest days for teen drivers
Nothing kills more teens in Pennsylvania than car crashes and no other group on the road has a higher risk of crash. The National Safety Council (NSC) warns parents that Memorial Day kicks off the 100 deadliest days for teen drivers, as many teens are out of school and on the road more frequently during the summer months.
Some of the key contributors to crashes involving teens include driver inexperience, driver distractions, speeding and driving carelessly. Summer driving also tends to be more recreational for teens, and they may be carrying more passengers than at other times of the year. Passengers increase the risk of a fatal crash involving a teen by at least 44%. Pennsylvania laws restrict the number of passengers in cars with drivers holding a junior driver’s license. A driver is not permitted to have more than one passenger under age 18 who is not an immediate family member unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. […]
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