
What is a Loss?

A loss is the monetary value assigned to an injury or damage in a personal injury claim, including pain and suffering, past and future income, future medical care, at-home assistance, current medical bills, etc.

According to Black’s Law Dictionary, “loss” is defined as “the harm or damage resulting from an injury; the deprivation or detriment to an owner or possessor as a result of a judgment or voluntary transfer of property.” As such, loss is often a broad term in law, encompassing both tangible and intangible impacts as loss can come from a variety of forms of damages.  

Legal principles governing loss aim to provide remedies, compensation, or restitution to individuals or entities adversely affected by wrongful acts, accidents, or adverse events. Loss can include economic loss, personal loss or property loss. The assessment of loss often involves evaluating evidence, calculating damages, and applying legal standards to determine liability and appropriate remedies in civil litigation or legal disputes. As a legal term, loss underscores the importance of addressing and mitigating the impacts of losses through legal recourse and equitable remedies in accordance with applicable laws and judicial principles.

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PA Workers’ Compensation Denials

As a state with a long history of being at the forefront of industry, manufacturing, natural resources, and transportation, Pennsylvania has a long relationship with the fight for worker rights.PA Workers Compensation Denials

The need to safeguard workers became increasingly apparent as Pennsylvania’s industrial revolution moved forward in the early 20th century. Hazardous workplace conditions caused injuries to grow in both type and frequency. This surge in workplace accidents highlighted the necessity for laws designed to protect employees, leading to the development of workers’ compensation regulations. The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act of 1915 was a law that provided employees with financial protection while requiring employers to maintain workers’ compensation coverage.

If you have experienced a workplace injury in PA, you should be able to rely on this historic Pennsylvania state law to provide a financial safety net for you and your family while you recover. […]

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Can I Sue After a Car Accident If I Was Not Hurt?

What Options Are Available After A Car Accident With No Injuries?

car crash traffic deaths

Everyone knows that if you are injured in a car accident, you have the option to file a lawsuit against the other driver. But what happens if you only suffer damage to your vehicle? Can you sue the other driver?

Even if you suffered no physical injuries during an accident caused by the negligence of another driver, you could still recover property damage costs. If your company refuses to repair or replace a car you suffer heavy damage you might need to seek court action to have them repaired or replaced.

Understanding your legal rights after a car accident is paramount. Please note that Munley Law handles personal injury cases only.

Filing Car Accident Claim with Insurance Company

The best way to ensure you recover compensation and financial losses from insurance companies or liable parties in your car accident property damage settlement is to hire an experienced car accident property damage lawyer. […]

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