
What are Parties?

Parties are individuals, corporations, or associations involved in a lawsuit as plaintiffs or defendants.

According to Black’s Law Dictionary, parties are defined as “persons or entities actively participating in a transaction or proceeding.” Due to the formal nature of the proceedings, each party has specific rights, duties, and interests related to the legal matter. Parties can include plaintiffs or those bringing the lawsuit, and defendants, those who refute the allegations; they can also include third-party defendants who are asserted as being partially responsible for the plaintiff’s claims. 

The most important responsibility of a party is the burden of proof. In a civil case, this falls to the plaintiff.  Understanding the roles and identities of the parties is crucial for determining legal responsibilities, enforcing rights, and reaching resolutions in disputes. 

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How Many Truck Accidents Are There in a Year?

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there are approximately 500,000 truck accidents in the United States each year.  This substantial number of accidents underscores the critical importance of understanding the factors contributing to truck crashes and the measures needed to enhance road safety for all users.

car accident truck accidentTrucks are a common sight on US roadways. Commercial vehicles alone make up a significant portion. The trucking industry has a in transporting billions of tons of freight each year, a major part of the US economy. Over 3.5 million American truck driversare employed in the United States, and trucks make up 5% of all registered vehicles in the US. If that does not sound high to you, consider how heavy trucks are. A big rig with a tractor-trailer may weigh up to 80,000 pounds, while the average car weighs less than 10,000. […]

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How Do I Fix a Police Report if It Is Wrong?

The details in a police report can shape how your car accident case unfolds. If you spot any mistakes, don’t hesitate to speak up. Your quick action to fix errors could make a big difference in your or lawsuit.

What Is a Police Report?

How do I fix a police report if it is wrong?Accurate and comprehensive police reports are essential following a car accident. These reports are critical evidence in claims, personal injury lawsuits, and other legal matters. However, errors in these reports can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

Police crash reports contain vital information about the accident, such as the names and contact information of the involved, insurance policy numbers, and details about the scene of the accident and how it occurred. Typically, an incident report includes:

  • Weather conditions and visibility on the day
  • The time and date of the accident
  • Details of the involved drivers (addresses, […]

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How Long Does an Insurance Company Have to Settle a Car Accident Claim in PA?

Under the law, your company has a time limit of 15 days to notify you if your has been accepted orHow Long Does an Insurance Company Have to Settle a Car Accident Claim in PA? rejected upon filing. The average time to respond is usually within a few days. However, your insurance provider can request additional investigation time if you have questions regarding your claim or submitted incomplete insurance forms.

Insurance coverage can quickly become a mess when understanding what’s covered and what’s not. With the help of a Pennsylvania car accident lawyer from Munley Law, you can rest easy knowing your legal claim is handled with the care and dedication it requires.

How Do Car Accident Settlements Work?

You must take a few steps to begin a car accident settlement in Pennsylvania. The first is to seek medical treatment following your accident. You’ll also need to file a police report if officers were not called to the accident scene and submit the accident to your insurance provider. […]

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