
What are Parties?

Parties are individuals, corporations, or associations involved in a lawsuit as plaintiffs or defendants.

According to Black’s Law Dictionary, parties are defined as “persons or entities actively participating in a transaction or proceeding.” Due to the formal nature of the proceedings, each party has specific rights, duties, and interests related to the legal matter. Parties can include plaintiffs or those bringing the lawsuit, and defendants, those who refute the allegations; they can also include third-party defendants who are asserted as being partially responsible for the plaintiff’s claims. 

The most important responsibility of a party is the burden of proof. In a civil case, this falls to the plaintiff.  Understanding the roles and identities of the parties is crucial for determining legal responsibilities, enforcing rights, and reaching resolutions in disputes. 

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Family Wins $2.85 Million in Auto Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A Dauphin County jury has awarded $2.85 million to the family of a Hummelstown man killed in a 2006 wreck.

Fifty-seven-year-old William H. Smith was killed when a backhoe fell off a hauling trailer on I-83 and struck the vehicle he was driving. The backhoe had been negligently placed on the trailer.

In Pennsylvania, the family of someone killed in an automobile accident caused by the of another person or company can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible .

Here is a report in The Patriot-News about the Dauphin County :

Smith, a father of two, died on Jan. 3, 2006 when a backhoe was jolted from a on Interstate 83 and its bucket slammed into his sport utility vehicle.

Smith’s wife, […]

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Lawsuit Settled in HS Football Player’s Death

A 2006 lawsuit filed by the parents of a Henderson County, KY high school football player who died during practice has finally been settled.  Although the terms of the settlement are sealed, both said they were glad to put the dispute behind them.

The lawsuit claimed against several school personnel and a doctor, but the suit dragged on while the companies continued to argue over which one bore the most responsibility, according to

The 16-year-old football player died during practice on a hot, humid day in July.  The defendants claimed the teen died due to an underlying cardiac condition.

The father said his son’s death had played a part in changes to state law and athletic regulations that deal with heat.  While he said the settlement was a “bitter pill to swallow,” he also said that without filing the suit they would not have gotten the details surrounding their son’s death. […]

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PATCO to Pay $10 Million in Crash Settlement

After only twenty minutes into a trial last week, a recess was called and the two came to agreement on a $10 million settlement to be paid by the Port Authority Transit Corp. (PATCO).   The transit authority had admitted before trial that its driver was liable for the collision.

A 55-year-old Berlin, NJ man was driving to work in July 2007 when he was struck by a PATCO truck in Philadelphia, PA.  The man had just crossed a bridge into Philadelphia when the PATCO driver ran a red light and shoved the man’s vehicle into a median strip.  The accident resulted in shattered bones and a broken ankle to the driver.

The man has since undergone 12 surgeries and a painful debriding procedure to try to rid the leg of a serious infection which had begun to cause his flesh to rot.  […]

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San Diego Man Awarded $2.4 Million in Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit

A San Diego Navy Veteran who was diagnosed in 2010 with , an asbestos-caused cancer, was awarded $2.4 million in after his disease was found to be attributed to his work in ship boiler rooms.

The lawsuit, filed against John Crane, Inc., claimed the was exposed to asbestos while serving in the Navy from 1961 to 1971 in his work in the maintenance and repair of boilers, pumps and valves.  The suit claimed John Crane made some of the asbestos-containing packing material and gaskets in the equipment.

The total damages of about $2.4 million include nearly $1.4 million in noneconomic damages and $450,000 for .  The jury found John Crane five percent liable, the Navy and insulation companies 57 percent at , some manufacturers and suppliers 37 percent at fault.  […]

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Fiery Crash in NY Kills One Teen, Injures Four

Speeding suspected to be the cause of the fatal teen crash

Teen Pulled From Burning Car after Fiery Crash In N.Y.

One teen is dead and four are injured following a Wednesday night crash in Rush, N.Y.  Speed is suspected in the crash where the vehicle overturned and caught fire.  One man heard the car go by, and then heard the crash.  He rushed to the scene in his and was able to pull one girl out by cutting her seatbelt, saving her life.  All she remembers of the incident is swerving, panicking, and calling her mom to tell her she had been in an accident.  Most of the five teens grew up together.

Iowa Man Killed In Head-On Collision

A 61-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene of an accident on I-80 Wednesday night when a van crossed over the median and crashed with his Chevy HHR, […]

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