Sexual Assault

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual Assault is any unwanted sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the victim. That unwanted behavior can range from fondling and groping to even more severe crimes such as rape and attempted rape. Sexual assault is considered one of the most serious criminal offenses, with severe legal consequences as a result. 

Lack of consent is the key aspect of sexual assault. While there is a wide range of acts that fall under the spectrum of sexual assault, a person being groped inappropriately in passing at a party is just as valid of an instance of sexual assault as a person being incapacitated and raped, and those who have either act committed against them are rightfully both considered to be victims.

The violation of bodily autonomy and the grave impacts that sexual assault has are what makes it one of the most unacceptable acts in the eyes of society. Victims are often left completely traumatized from instances of sexual assault, and deal with severe long-term physical and mental health issues. Sexual assault is a criminal act that results in perpetrators facing long prison sentences and being forced to register as sex offenders. However, it is often difficult to fully prove instances of sexual assault in court, and many cases go unpunished or unnoticed.

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