Underinsured Motorist Coverage

What is Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UIM) is a provision in auto insurance policies that extends coverage to include property and bodily damage caused by a motorist with insufficient insurance coverage. It is relevant in cases in which an individual who is not at fault gets into an accident that incurs greater costs than can be covered by the at-fault driver. UIM typically covers both bodily injury coverage and property damage coverage, depending on state regulations.

UIM may cover a range of costs incurred as a result of an accident, such as medical costs and lost wages among others. For example, if a person has $50,000 in medical bills as a result of a motor accident, and the at-fault driver’s insurance only covers up to $30,000, UIM coverage can cover the remaining $20,000. UIM coverage also extends to any passengers in the vehicle of the motorist who is not at fault, even if they do not share an insurance policy. 

UIM serves as a way to protect blameless motorists from accidents that are not their fault. It compensates them beyond simply the limits of an insurance policy. However, it does also protect at-fault motorists by making them not need to pay extensive out-of-pocket fees when their insurance coverage is not enough.

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