Underinsured Motorist Coverage

What is Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UIM) is a provision in auto insurance policies that extends coverage to include property and bodily damage caused by a motorist with insufficient insurance coverage. It is relevant in cases in which an individual who is not at fault gets into an accident that incurs greater costs than can be covered by the at-fault driver. UIM typically covers both bodily injury coverage and property damage coverage, depending on state regulations.

UIM may cover a range of costs incurred as a result of an accident, such as medical costs and lost wages among others. For example, if a person has $50,000 in medical bills as a result of a motor accident, and the at-fault driver’s insurance only covers up to $30,000, UIM coverage can cover the remaining $20,000. UIM coverage also extends to any passengers in the vehicle of the motorist who is not at fault, even if they do not share an insurance policy. 

UIM serves as a way to protect blameless motorists from accidents that are not their fault. It compensates them beyond simply the limits of an insurance policy. However, it does also protect at-fault motorists by making them not need to pay extensive out-of-pocket fees when their insurance coverage is not enough.

More information about Underinsured Motorist Coverage

What Does it Mean When You Stack Your Auto Insurance Policies?

car crash traffic deathsUnderstanding Stacked Car Insurance

It is estimated that 12.6 percent of motorists on the road in 2019 were driving without car . That equals to approximately one in eight drivers are behind the wheel without insurance. Not only is this illegal and dangerous, but getting into an accident can be costly to all involved. 

If you get into a severe car accident in Pennsylvania with an uninsured motorist, your first concern may be how will you pay for your medical expenses. Will you be stuck with the bill? 

Fortunately, there are provisions in your insurance policy that will pay for any of the injuries you may receive. And if your underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage is stacked, then you won’t have to worry about paying for the large medical bills.

But what is stacked insurance? […]

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What Happens if the At-Fault Party Doesn’t Have Car Insurance?

What to Do In Car Accident with Underinsured or Uninsured Motorist

You may be asking yourself, If I’m involved in a car accident, and the at- driver doesn’t have car , what happens to me?  In Pennsylvania, that answer largely depends on the type of insurance coverage you have, including . Typically, however, you can file a compensation with your own insurance company or file a personal injury or car accident lawsuit against the other driver.

Pennsylvania Drivers Are Required to Carry Insurance

rear end car accidentIn Pennsylvania, drivers are required to carry insurance coverage. Known as no-fault or (PIP) coverage, no matter who is at fault in the accident, the initial medical bills are covered by your own insurance company, […]

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Pennsylvania Car Insurance Requirements

If you suffer a car crash in Pennsylvania, the right car insurance can make all the difference

Follow these tips from the nation’s leading car and truck accident lawyers

In truth, nobody wants to think that they will ever crash their car. We all think it can’t happen to us. However, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) reports that there are 6 million motor-vehicle accidents in the United States every year. Of that 6 million crashes, 3 million Americans suffer serious injuries. Over 36,000 drivers and passengers die each year. Pennsylvania drivers must carry car by law. However, choosing the right  auto insurance is a whole separate matter. In the event of a catastrophic automotive crash, the right auto insurance can make all of the difference. To help you choose the type fo car insurance that is right for you, […]

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Car Accidents and Insurance Coverage

Car Accidents and Insurance Coverage

The moments after you’ve been injured in a car accident can be the scariest of your life. Your first concern will be getting treatment for your injuries or your loved ones. Then, you will have to deal with your auto

You’ll want to be prepared on what kind of car and personal injury insurance you have, and what to do when insurance companies come calling. In Pennsylvania, insurance companies are trained to limit the they will pay. It’s important you have the representation on your side to fight for what you deserve. 

Just last year, almost 300,000 Pennsylvanians crashed, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation‘s (PennDOT) annual Crash Facts and Statistics Report. The lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys have been representing car accident victims across Pennsylvania for more than 60 years. […]

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Pennsylvania Car Accident Lawyer Warns that Higher Unemployment Could Mean Fewer Insured Drivers

Scranton, PA, August 18, 2012 — An uptick in the number of people in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre who are out of work could heighten the risk for those behind the wheel, says Pennsylvania car accident attorney Caroline Munley.

This summer, the unemployment rate for the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre metropolitan area broke the nine percent mark for the first time since September 2011, according to the Scranton Times-Tribune. That was a full percentage point above the national average and two points above the rate for Pennsylvania as a whole.

“Unfortunately, when people lose their jobs, one thing they may do to cut costs is to cancel or reduce their car ,” said Munley, managing partner of the nationally recognized Pennsylvania personal injury firm of Munley Law, which has its headquarters in Scranton and offices across the state.

The law firm represents car accident victims in Pennsylvania and across the Northeast in matters that often involve car insurance issues. […]

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