This Year Will See the Most 4th of July Travelers Since 2007

This Independence Day, Americans will be traveling in record numbers. About 41.9 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more  over the holiday weekend, according to AAA. That’s the highest number of 4th of July travelers since 2007. Most of them will be driving. At least one reason for the surge in holiday travel is the fact that  the average gas prices this weekend will the the lowest in the last five years. Today’s national average price for a gallon of gasoline is $2.78, 88 cents less than the average price on Independence Day last year.

As with any busy travel day, the chances of a this Independence Day will be especially high. If you’re one of the millions traveling this holiday weekend, keep in mind these tips for a safe trip:

1. Be prepared and plan your route ahead of time. While GPS devices can be helpful, it is better to have an idea of where you’ll be going before you get in the car. Navigating or trying to read directions, especially in an unfamiliar area, is a huge distraction that can lead to a car crash.

2. If you get drowsy during your road trip, pull over and take a break. Don’t try to power through it.

3. July 4th is one of the worst days of the year for alcohol related traffic accidents and fatalities.  Stay especially alert for impaired drivers on the road, and if you plan on celebrating with a few drinks over the holiday, make sure you have a sober ride home.

Whether you are making a long trip or staying local, take care over the holiday weekend. If you or a loved one are involved in an accident and  you need help, contact our office for a free consultation with a car accident lawyer. We will review the details of your potential case and help you determine the next steps to take. We can be reached at 855-866-5529.

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