Tips for Preparing for Disasters

Here at Munley, Munley & Cartwright, our prayers and best wishes are extended to the victims of the storm Sandy and their families.

Meanwhile, Pennsylvanians are doing their best to return to work, school and normal routines.

According to the Associated Press:

The storm that did so much damage along the coast before it drenched Pennsylvania was blamed for at least nine deaths in the state. It was more than a mild inconvenience for the million-plus who lost power and the countless others whose homes were damaged by blowing rain and falling trees, but it was not the disaster for the state that some had feared.

Gov. Tom Corbett said there were no reports of major flooding as the center of the weather system drifted west and its winds diminished to 10 mph or so.

Power outages were the storm’s most damaging byproduct, but the number of customers in the dark fell to about 800,000 by midday Wednesday [two days after the storm].

In the hard-hit Philadelphia region, Peco spokeswoman Martha Phan said it could take a week for all service to be restored. The utility still had 375,000 customers without power Wednesday, down from a peak of 850,000 that made Sandy the most damaging storm in the utility’s history.

Extreme weather events like Sandy are reminders of the importance of planning ahead for disasters.

A wealth of information – including disaster kits and checklists – is available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Its website is here.

A Family Emergency Plan is available here.

Crisis news updates and recovery resources in Pennsylvania are available here.

Free Consultation With a Pennsylvania Accident and Injury Attorney

For more than 40 years, the Pennsylvania accident and injury lawyers at Munley, Munley & Cartwright have helped individuals and families in Pennsylvania recover from life-disrupting events. Call 877-763-2343 to discuss your legal rights and options, or use this online contact form.

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