Uneasiness Persists About Marcellus Shale Operations

Some Pennsylvania property owners don’t like the idea of living next to a drilling rig and want their local governments to use zoning regulations to prevent the development of natural gas wells.

But local government leaders’ hands are tied to a great extent by a state law called the Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Act. The state law preempts local regulation of gas wells and extraction and gives the regulatory authority to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Local regulations may not apply to the location of a well, well site safety or even protection of  the water supply.

The pressing questions of  which local municipal regulations still apply and which are preempted are still being sorted out by the courts.

Natural gas drilling and extraction from the Marcellus Shale poses rewards and hazards for Pennsylvania communities. While there is the potential for significant economic , exploration can cause environmental damage and property damage through damaged drinking water wells and gas migration.

If you are a property owner whose property has been harmed by natural gas exploration, talk to an attorney who is experienced in Marcellus Gas drilling issues. The attorneys at Munley, Munley & Cartwright represent victims who have been injured through no of their own, including those who have had property damage injuries. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a Marcellus Shale drilling accident, you may have a legal . Contact us at 1-800-318-LAW1 or submit a free online claim evaluation.

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