Pennsylvania Drivers Encouraged to Observe National Cell Phone Courtesy Month

Just last week we reported on the U.S. ‘s initiative to combat – the Blueprint for Ending Distracted Driving.  Our Pennsylvania car accident attorneys are committed to raising awareness of the dangers of distracted driving, most often caused by cellphone use behind the wheel.  Now, “National Cell Phone Courtesy Month” runs through July, and PA drivers have yet one more opportunity to put down their cellphones when driving.

Jacqueline Moore, an international etiquette expert, began the cellphone courtesy initiative in 2002 when she realized that many Americans were unsure of the etiquette around cellphone use.  Although her intent of the campaign is to encourage others to be more respectful of their surroundings while using their cell phone, as distracted driving becomes more widespread, cellphone courtesy should extend to vehicles.   According to government statistics, over 3,000 Americans lose their lives every year on U.S. highways from distracted drivers.

Webster , a local Pennsylvania insurance company, reports that 91% of Americans own cell phones. Unfortunately, far too many of them continue to use them while driving.  Webster offers the following tips for not only being a courteous cellphone user, but also a safe one.

  • Don’t hold private conversations in public places. You never know who can overhear you.
  • If you are talking on your phone in public, keep your voice at a reasonable level. If you cannot hear the other person or s/he cannot hear you, plan to call each other at a more convenient time.
  • Know when it is appropriate to have your cell phone on ringer. If you are in a public place, a cell phone should be on vibrate.
  • Don’t text and drive! While this is more a safety concern than a courtesy concern, you should still follow this rule of the road. You also should keep talking on your phone to a minimum. While there is no Pennsylvania law on talking on your phone, hands-free communication is the safest if you absolutely must use a cell phone.

Our Pennsylvania car accident attorneys have seen the devastation a distracted driver can cause.  We ask all drivers to stay focused when behind the wheel and not text and drive.  If you have been injured in motor vehicle crash caused by a distracted driver you should seek legal help right away.  Contact us for an explanation of your legal rights.

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